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30 minutes later

Naruto woke up to see he was in one of the healing tubes in the palace.

"So you are finally awake." Harribel

"Harribel." Naruto

Harribel opened the tube for him.

As Naruto got out he looked at Grimmjow. Who was in a tube.

Naruto glared at him.

"That was quite the battle you had." Harribel

"Who would have thought that idiot would give me that much trouble." Naruto

"Well you also gotten much weaker.'' Harribel

"I am gonna have to rectify that." Naruto

"So you are gonna stay and train." Harribel

"Yes. Since time passes faster here I will get enough training done in a month.'' Naruto

"I wonder just how much stronger he is going to get." Harribel thought

"So what happened after I died." Naruto

Naruto was filled in about everything which took place after his death.

He was shocked to learn Aizen was imprisoned.

After talking with Harribel. Naruto made a garganta and went to Karakura Town.

When Naruto got there decided to take a walk through the town.

He came across Orihime walking with her son.

Orihime was shocked to see Naruto. Orihime teared up.

"Ulquiorra-San you are alive. I am glad." Orihime

"You are really are a strange individual" Naruto smiled

Orihime smiled back at him.

Even though I almost killed your husband. You do not even resent me one bit" Naruto thought

"Yeah she's definitely strange." Kurama

"So who's the little one." Naruto said as he bend down to Orohime's son

"Introduce yourself to Ulquiorra-San." Orihime

"Nice to meet you Ulquiorra-San. My name's Kazui Kurosaki" Kazui said in a cheerful tone

 My name's Kazui Kurosaki" Kazui said in a cheerful tone

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"It's nice to meet you too Kazui." Naruto

"This boy is going become a monster one day." Naruto thought as he used his Pesquisa on him

The three talked for a while.

"It was nice chatting with you. Tell Ichigo I said hi." Naruto said as he opened a garganta

"Goodbye Ulquiorra-San." Kazui

After that Naruto went through it.

When Naruto got back to Hueco Mundo. He decided begin his training.

With Jiraiya
When Jiraiya woke up. He saw Hiruzen standing over him.

"Good morning Jiraiya. How do you feel" Hiruzen

"I feel fine."Jiraiya

"What happened to make you pass out." Hiruzen

Jiraiya remembered the battle between Naruto and Grimmjow.

"Oh no the kid's in danger." Jiraiya said worried

"Who." Hiruzen

"Naruto." Jiraiya

"What happened." Hiruzen asked worried

Jiraiya told him about how Naruto asked for the key. And how it led to the battle between the two Espada.

"Do you know where they are." Hiruzen

"They are probably in a another dimension." Jiraiya said as he remembered Naruto made a portal

This worried Hiruzen even further.

"All we can do now is hope the kid will pull through." Jiraiya said gritting his teeth

It pained him knowing he was to weak to help his godson.

With Naruto
He sneezed.

"It looks like someone's talking about you." Kurama

"Good things I hope." Naruto


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