BDL: 10 (danger)

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"Congratulations, Mr. Krist and Mr. Singto, you're chosen to adopted Nanon but there's few condition before you're being officially being a parents to Nanon" Love said while taking out few of papers to the couple sign on it.

"What the condition?" Singto asked meanwhile Krist take the papers and read it.

"We will do a run check on Nanon for every week within a month. If he said he's happy being with you, we will make you both as a legal guardian for Nanon" Love explained.

"I will visit your house first to check if surrounding is good or not for Nanon including his own room and his need facility. For now, it's only a condition from me. You both can read the details of it on the paper." She explained again.

"I'm sorry if its too much but I just want Nanon is in safe hand. He's a favorite person here and this orphanage will be quiet for a while without him"

Krist smiles and put down the paper. "I understand Ms. Love. I agreed for whatever condition as long as Nanon will be going with me"

Singto chuckles a little. "Sorry Ms. Love, my husband is a little bit possessive. If he already love someone, he will get it no matter what"

Love smiles and nodded. "Its good then, at least Nanon have someone who will loves him dearly"

BDL: 10

"Woahhh! It's biggg!!" Nanon gasped seeing the whole house with a pool and little garden. Singto chuckles a little seeing Nanon's reaction. He saw lots of peoples wearing black suit  in front of the gate and the path to the house.

"Nanon loves it?" Krist put Nanon in his lap and Nanon nodded enthusiastically. The car parked inside in the porch and then all of them stepped out from the car after the door has been opened with one of the black duit men.

"Welcome back, master." He greeted while bowed his head.

"I want to take a rest with my little family, don't give any guest to get inside. I want Nanon to meet my little friends" Krist said while carrying him in his arms.  Singto just chuckles while drape his hand over his husband's shoulder.

"Don't disturb us" Singto give an order.

"Got it, master!"


Milk searching some files and after she saw Nanon's files, she's opened up and read Nanon's adoptive parent's details.

"Krist Perawat? Where do I heard this name? It's seems familiar" Milk clicked her tongue and she takes out her phone to call Lee's number.

"Phi Lee- have you send someone named Krist Perawat to be Nanon's adoptive parents?"

"Krist Perawat? Where do I heard that name before this? Wait- I'm getting my list. Hold on the line"

Milk waiting for Lee to confirm it because Lee had sent few name list and details for Nanon's adoptive parents. Love did some background check with them and she's weird why Love choose Krist Perawat from all of those peoples? She feel something off with him and his husband.

"What his name again?"

"Krist Perawat Francis"

"Fuck, this gotta be huge problem Milk"

"What's wrong, Phi?"

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