Question- *record scratch* (33)

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Chi: Hey didn't we

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Chi: Hey didn't we... answer that question??

Barnaby: Oh I wasn't paying attention, I was just answering questions with honesty.

Chi: Hang on let me look through the pages real quick... She looks through the pages. Oh yeah we did. Question... 25. It was asked by the same person.

Barnaby: Weird... why would they ask again? I did say what my favorite animals were...

Chi: Eh maybe they just forgot. I should really start making a list about the questions we've answered. But that would be so much work...

Barnaby: Its okay dear. Take your time. After all, it's important for your mental health!

Chi: Thanks Barnaby...

Barnaby: mmhm!^^

Chi: Wait- She rereads the question. Ohhhhh...

Barnaby: What?

Chi: They asked what our favorite animals were and why. I honestly have no explanation why I love cats, owls, foxes etc. I just think they're cute.

Barnaby: Yes I think guinea pigs are cute too. Hoohoo!!

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