Question 54 + Intermission

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Barnaby: I'm fine now my dear

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Barnaby: I'm fine now my dear. Don't worry. However, to answer your question about how my castle was built... I can't saaaaay~ Hoohoo!! You'll have to figure that one out yourself!


Fantoccio: was eating the pile of cookies with Barnaby.

Chi: Hey lads, you remember that one ask we answered that we would read the playscript with us in it?

Fantoccio: Yeah, I wanted to be apart of it.

Chi: Well I got the first part of the script in the mail so I can read it to you guys to see what you think.

Barnaby: Hoohoohoo! Well read away my dear!

Chi: By the way, this is from asker Spongebobbook12 . Okay... she reads the script aloud.

 she reads the script aloud

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Fantoccio: ...thats it? That's the whole script?

Chi: Well I think it's a part of a script that hasn't been finished yet.

Fantoccio: Just to be clear what I've heard is VERY inaccurate.

Barnaby: Well it is true... I do happen to kill those who enter my castle uninvited and have them join the party...

Fantoccio: And who are these Mina and Fluttershy characters? Where's MINE!?

Chi: Fanto I told you... it's just part one. Also I think Mina is a self insert character and Fluttershy... oh she's that one pegasus that's always shy and likes animals.

Fantoccio: Oh please... there wasn't even a conflict or any drama in the first bit! It's just two girls being shy over some stupid ghost owl! Where's the mood and the motivation that drives the reader to be invested!? I want to be amazed! Surprised even!

Chi: Fanto calm down. It's just a script. Surely they can at least do better once they finish the script. For me I think it's okay. It just needs some flavor to get things going, you know?

Barnaby: Ooh! Good idea! How about I chase them down a hall so we can decide what their deaths might be!? Oohoohoohoo!! Oh this is getting me excited already!!

Chi: Aaaaaand we'll stop there. Back to answering asks-

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