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"Lethal desire."

Author's P.O.V

To say that the the banquet hall looked magnificent would be an understatement

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To say that the the banquet hall looked magnificent would be an understatement. The walls stood tall as ever, wearing a beautiful white wallpaper which had delicate gold linings on it, some bold and some thin as ever forming various patterns on the white canvas. There were dazzling lights everywhere - they weren't bright as per say but radiated a warm glow throughout the room which didn't hurt anyone's eyes. There were tables scattered around an area of the big hall, there was a place for everyone to sit and a place for them to dance or walk around freely. Orchestral crew was already on the podium assigned to them doing their work, playing a soulful tune which blended in between the chatters of countless people present in the room.

There were waiters rushing around carrying glasses of champagne,wine and other drinks. There were a lot of people around, approximately two fifty to three hundred people and all of them were famous businessmen or popular influencers or actors who were a real big deal in the outside world. Even a few world class models were invited and each one of them was having a fun time because after all this is a party hosted by the Kim's. One of the most popular and prestigious family in the world.

"Oh it's a pleasure to meet you Miss Zerah, please enjoy the evening." Jin smiles giving the woman a glass of champagne and she takes it gratefully. "Thank you so much." She says and the older politely excuses himself from the women's company and cracks his neck a little, already feeling tired. It hasn't even been an hour into the party and he feels like his face is getting tired due to smiling and greeting so many people all on one go. Like he cannot count how many times he has said 'It was such a pleasure to meet you, please enjoy the evening'. That was the con about parties, you literally have to socialize so much and it just tries him out and also not to mention the fact that his life has been a living hell since the entire month.

"What's with that frown." There is an nudge on his shoulders and he immediately relaxes a little when he hears the voice. Turning a little to the side Jin stares at Namjoon who had teasing expression his face. "Nothing,I'm tired." Jin replies, leaning a little on the other man and honestly... Namjoon doesn't mind at all, infact he just wraps one arm loosely around others waist. "Why, Did someone trouble thy? Oh heavens! Which soul dared to trouble my beloved?" Namjoon speaks out in a proper British accent bearing a very 'angry' expression on his face and older man has to stop himself from laughing loud.

"Oh god stop with that Shakespeare Language!" Jin hits the other guy on his shoulders and Namjoon shrugs, smiling a little when he sees the older guy laughing with his mouth covered but after a few seconds he could see that Jin just shook his head and silently leaned back while watching everyone. There was a sadness in his eyes which could drown people in it, the way older was standing itself was enough to tell Namjoon about the condition the older was in. The younger couldn't help but feel his own heart sink inside as silence enveloped them.

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