Trip to Paradise (Part 1)

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Attention all passengers! This is the final boarding call for flight VS-186B to Denpasar. Please proceed to Gate 48 at this time. We kindly ask that passengers who have not yet boarded make their way to the gate immediately.

An announcement brought a sudden rush to a person. Carrying a handbag, a book, and a small stroller, she was running towards the boarding gate. Her sneakers were making a sleeky sound on the floor, but she wasn't worried about that.

"Hey, I am one of the passengers for the flight to Denpasar". The attendant scanned her ticket and directed her towards the air gate, not without giving her looks. None of the staff said anything to her, but their body language was screaming loudly that they didn't like that she was late. She knew no one would say anything to her. According to their job, they have to be polite towards their passengers. However, their looks were enough to let her know she was not welcomed. Everyone was pissed off.

Without making any eye contact, she quickly moved to her seat. Not sure how to define her destiny, her seat was a window in the two-seater row, where the aisle was already taken by some man. She opened the cabinet and kept her stroller there. She took a deep breath, as now she has to initiate a conversation to reach her seat. She rolled her eyes, the only thing she disliked that is conversing with some strangers. Taking a deep breath, she softly tapped on his shoulder. "Excuse me", she called him.

A handsome, fair face turned towards her, she was clean-bowled for a moment; she had never met someone with such a handsome face. The smirk on his face was just the cherry on top. "Yes", His voice broke her thoughts. "Could you please give me a little space? That's my seat", She pointed towards an empty place near him. He immediately stood, towering over her, which made her heart stand still.

He was standing so close that she could smell his cologne. His body odor was amazing, bringing certain waves into her body. She took a deep breath to have his fragrance reached till her lungs, smiling to herself, she bite her own tongue to not blush. He shifted a little to give her space, she simply nodded her head and crossed him. Settling on her seat, she turned to him and said meekly, "Thanks."

He smirked again at her; she wondered "Does he ever smile, or does his face have this smirk plastered forever?" Shrugging, she kept her bag and book in the extra space provided. While she looked outside, the sun rose to quite a height, making everything very clear and visible. She thanked her luck, as the weather was good, and she checked the forecast; the weather at Denpasar was also good. She sighed a little. This vacation meant so much to her. She smiled to herself, looking forward to this amazing trip, when she realized that God had already been merciful to her.

Without turning, she rolled her eyes sideways. The trip has already begun with a handsome man; what else can she expect? She just prayed that her trip would be as awesome and beautiful as the man sitting beside her. In a flash, her heart raced with the thought, What if she gets his company on her trip? Then it wouldn't be just amazing but also adventurous. She already made a promise to herself that she will be adventurous in this trip.

Slowly, the flight started the runway. The flight attended started giving the instructions. She looked here and there and observe not much people are travelling, she murmured to her self," There aren't much passengers in the flight; yet these cabin crew were giving me looks like because of me they are going to have pay cut"

"Because it's their job.", said the man who was sitting besides her. For an instance she forgot what he said, his voice was so hoarse that it made her to take off on a dreamy land. But as quickly her dream took off, her mind brought it back in the ground. She turned to him, trying to show she didn't liked what he said ,"What.??"

He raised his face from his book and said with a same smirk ,"Mam, that's their job".

"To get pissed off with the boarding passengers", she asked cutely, making him chuckle. "No, but to board the flight on time."

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