Trip to Paradise (Part 3)

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Disclaimer: Mature content ahead.

The sunrays filtered from the curtain entering in her room, filling it with its bright light. Wearing her inner wears and wrapping a robe around her body, she came out her room sliding the glass door to see Kartik was already in kitchen, wearing shorts and a robe.

"Men do look hot when they are kitchen", she wondered and took steps towards him. He was indeed looking very handsome, alerting her nubs, she crossed her hands across her chest to hide, she brain patted her making her wonder how her body is effected under his charm, seeing him half naked makes her goosebumps to rise from their deep sleep. Slowly coming towards him, greeting,"Hi Morning.."

"Morning.. My lady. ", he came and give a quick kiss on her cheek leaving her little stupefied. She smiled to herself and asked him in order to divert the effect of the kiss," What are you making.."

She came and sat beside the kitchen counter table back facing him. When he turned all of a sudden with only thing that bridges the gap between them is the counter top.

"Whatever you want..", he smirked at her, placing his hands on the table. "Whatever you are tempted for", his hoarse voice was igniting some different desires in her. No longer she had an appetite of food, bust something more delicious standing infront of her. "Well, whatever you cook..", she said, she was blushing and it was shocking for her too. He smirked, somewhere he too felt how she was becoming red with his closeness, which was indeed a positive point for him. 

He broke few eggs, prepared toast, grinded juice and preparing a breakfast for the lady infront of him, lest he knew she was seductively caressing his body with her mere gaze. "I'll take the quick shower..", she broke her gaze from him and ran towards the washroom, not listening what he was saying. Standing under the cold shower, she felt her whole body on fire. She touched her bossoms in order to rub soap but only thing was roaming in her mind and was Kartik and his skillful fingers. 

"Fuck", she muttered, he is getting on her nerves and damm she is liking it. She wondered what has gotten into her, but on the contrary she wanted to enjoy it and wanted her thought became a reality. As soon she came dressing in a flowing skirt, a shirt with a funky bralette underneath, making Kartik to groan now. 

He took step towards, wearing his white see through Shirt, whispered in her ear,"Are you planning to kill me."

"No..", she tickled, his hot breath was getting ticklish to her when he said,"Someone is surely be killing me.."

"Well, after the breakfast..", pinching his cheek, she came to the same counter table, waiting for him to join her. Shrugging his head, he reached to her and both of them enjoyed their breakfast. 

 "So, what is the plan for today..", she asked. 

"How about scuba diving. Being to tropical places, that's the best place to go. the island is filled with huge ocean.", he suggested to which she agreed and both of them got ready for their first adventurous ride. 

Their scuba diving was one of the most amazing experience, touching the water friendly anumals like tortoise, swimming between fishes and touching the natural corals was just an unexplainable moments. Kartik lot of videos and photos, while Naira enjoyed with him the most. 

After couple of hours they came, when realize their are stomachs are growling with hunger. Spotting the first cafe, they hop on the food to fill their empty stomach. "Wow, I was feeling ravenously hungry", stated Kartik, while was still busy eating her food and nodding her head. 

Later, it was already evening when they decided to head back and sat across the beach near their cottage. Spreading the blanket over the sand, and grabbing few bottles of bear they both sat down watching the beautiful sunset. 

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