Trip to Paradise (Part 5)

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He followed her behind and twirled her around, making a grasp. They both laughed and enjoyed the moment together. "Someone is becoming a naughty girl," he whispered while twirling her around. "Put me down," she giggled, while he twirled her more before pitting her down. She pulled him close through his shirt, circling her arms around his neck. 

She leaned forward, giving him a passionate kiss. Her lips were not just pressed against him; it was more like they were sucking and trying to savor the taste of each other.

"It feels heavenly when close to you," he cupped her face, pulling her closer to her waist. Not saying much, she gave me a very hard kiss, sucking his lower lips. The heat between them was igniting with passing moments. They didn't realize it when her back collided back with a wall behind her. She unbuttoned his shirt, and while kissing him deeply, she roamed her palms aimlessly on his abs. "Fuck, girl you are driving me crazy", he said breathless. 

"And I want to get driven by you..", biting his earlobe she seductively murmured in his ears making him groan. He held her more close not letting the air to pass and sucked her lips like a candy. His tongue was doing whirlwind in her mouth, making her difficult to taste him or take a breath. 

Breaking for few moment, "I know what I am doing, Kartik, and I really want you more than anything else in the world right now," she said, a little breathless, placing her hands on his shoulders and leaning her head on his chest.

He didn't waste a minute more and cupped her face, answering it with his kiss. His lips massaged her more aggressively, and the war between their tongues began, sending chills down her spine.

Shivers of pleasure rushed through her body, and she felt her body tense as a release was building inside her core as she felt her hands travel inside her shirt, making goosebumps dance.

His lips found the soft curve of her neck, planting kisses that made her moan and pull him closer.

"Oh, Kartik," she moaned his name while she pulled him by his hairs and kissed him widely. The intensity was so high that they felt they would burn each other with it.

Their torso were touching each other, and she looked at his eyes directly, like gathering up courage to spill the beams.

"I really need you inside me," she whispered.

"Are you sure you can take it?" he asked concernedly.

She looked down, touching his member over his pants, and nodded, not before kissing him wide.

"You have already lubricated my emotions with the magic of your words; I want you to slide inside me deep with ease." She said she was kissing him again on his lips.

Her lips found his in a way, conveying some unsaid words and hoping he would understand.

He left her for a moment, whispering hoarsely," I will be back." He said he went to the kitchen, pulling out a drawer to get something, when he felt soft palms on his chest, next to his open shirt. 

It didn't take him a second to realize it was Naira. She hugged him tightly, but slowly her fingers were doing things to him. She pulled down his shirt, making his skin have direct contact with hers.

She kissed at his back while he controlled himself by folding his fist. She kissed his back again when he turned and pressed her against the wall, their bodies molded together in a fiery embrace. Their lips locked in a deep kiss, their tongues dancing together in a passionate tango. 

She moaned into his mouth as his hands roamed over her curves, sending shivers down her spine. Catching the breath from an intense and long kiss, he glanced down at her. His fingers quickly found the loose hem of her top, and in an instant, she was standing with just a bra in front of him.

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