Trip to Paradise (Part 2)

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Next day they both checked out from their hotel and took a cab towards the harbor. Wearing a pleated floral skirt paired with a sleeveless loose white top making him loose on how her hairs were flowing with the little breeze. " You are looking breathtaking  Naira...", he kissed her cheek and sat back on his seat turning her cheeks red. " Thanks.. you too", saying she kissed his cheek took. He took her hand in his while both of them enjoying the view.

 "How are we going to get there..??", Naira asked when they reach to the port.

"How would you prefer..", his flirtous nature was making her heart jump, when pointed towards a ferry. "We are going via that ship, it will take around 5 hours.. will you be okay..", he caressed her cheek with his finger, wanted to know she is comfortable.

"I agreed to come with you.. isn't it enough to say I will be comfortable", she replied back smiling to him and a little nervous too. 

Soon, they boarded the ferry and their journey began, Naira was standing at close to the railing of the deck, looking at the vast sea infront of her when she was joined Kartik,"Hey...", he stood very close to her. "You look lost..", he asked wondering if she is liking it or not. But Naira didn't said anything and just nodded her head like nothing happened.

"Naira, am I really breaching your personal limit, do you want me-", but he was shut by her immediately,"No Kartik. Infact I liked it. I like your company, being close to you..". Saying she held his hand and placed it on her waist such that he was back hugging her. His hot breath was falling on her shoulder, while she was enjoying the nature. "I am just lost in this beauty, this nature. This is  so beautiful. I would have come way earlier.."

Kartik smiled to see her innocence, he gripped his hug on her waist and whispered,"I am glad we met and now enjoying together. It happened to me for the first time..", he kissed the side her forehead making her tilt her face to him, such that her lips were touching his chin. "First time what.."

He looked at her, her glossy lips were looking too tempting, he controlled himself and kissed nose saying,"Meeting you, and being close to you. It is so surreal and so fucking amazing..". His each word were making her heart ponder. "Same for me..", she kissed his adam's apple and straighten herself, only to be hugged by him more tightly. "OOh.. you girl..", he kissed the back of her shoulder, her kisses were making him insane.  Naira loved the way he shower kisses on her, though she knew its all casual but she was liking it. He put her on one side of her shoulder getting access of her skin to be kissed more. "You are so amazing.. ", he kissed the depth of her neck making her sigh. She too was lost in his touch. Both of them stood there enjoying  the nature.Kartik took few pics of hers and the sea as well.

Soon they reached Gili Meno, it was one of the wonderful place. "Wow...this so beautiful Kartik..", jumped in excitement seeing such a beautiful place. "I mean, I have never.", she had no words and in happiness she kissed his cheek. 

"Wow, you really liked it..", he was astonished to see her this much happy.  "I am glad you liked it, I was really nervous..", he said.

"Why, you shouldn't be", saying she kissed his another cheek again making him little giggle. "Someone liked my cheeks..", he teased her. She was off-guarded for a min, but then all of a sudden took a charge pulling him towards her, such that her hands were encircled around his neck,"Why.. do you..", she whispered nearing her face near her lips,"Want to be kissed", she kissed his jawline, making him to close his eyes and take that feeling of her lips "anywhere..", she kissed his chin, teasing him to hell ,"else as well". she bite his earlobe making him scream,"Aah Naira...", she immediately broke the hug and laughed at him. 

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