1 - Apartment

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Minho takes a good look at his elegant, spacious apartment

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Minho takes a good look at his elegant, spacious apartment. It's the most beautiful place he ever lived in. And he worked hard for it, for years. With a bit of luck, and a lot of persuasion, he got this place to call his own.

But, three bad months were enough to shake up everything, and the bank is already calling for payment.
It's embarrassing enough to interview potential roommates, let alone to share his private space with a stranger. He's dredging up facing another overworked or overdressed loser.

"It's just for a few months, until things get better." he repeats to himself and reluctantly opens the door.

- Ah, Jisung, thank God it's you. I can't handle another dumb interview.

- Oh come on, interviewing is fun. I'll make popcorn! And if someone tries to attack you...

- ... you'll watch?

- Yup! I'll support you while you're fighting! - yells Jisung from kitchen, and puts a popcorn bag in a microwave.

- I just want a normal person to share apartment with, maybe someone like you.

- Oh you think I'm normal? You didn't see my shoe collection, did you? Yeah sure, I'm normal.

- Do you know anyone normal yet able to pay rent?

- I do, they're all middle aged and married. You're too picky Minho, you'll end up with some old man on a life support.

- It could be a girl too.

- Yes, if I know a normal girl that I'm not too embarassed to talk to, I shall introduce her to your sexiness. Have you seen yourself??

A doorbell is heard and Mihno grunts before heading to the door.
"I hate this."

He opens the door and sees a tall, elegant guy.
Like really hot.

- I'm here for apartment.

- Yes, come in. I'm Minho.

- Hyunjin.

The hot guy walks in and leaves Jisung speechless. He just stares, holding a piece of popcorn half way to his mouth, and says nothing.

- That over there is Jisung, a friend. He doesn't live here, he just thinks he does.

- Hi, I'm Hyunjin.

Jisung, still speechless, hands out a bowl but Hyunjin politely declines.

- So, this is the apartment. You'd have your own bedroom and bathroom. We'd share the terrace and the living... - Minho stops talking because the guy just walked away to see the bedroom. He looks around, returns back to a living room, and doesn't look happy. How can he not look happy? This is an amazing place at amazing location!

- I need space, a lot of space. The more, the better actually. I'm a dancer and I like to practice wherever and whenever I can.

- Well, this is a pretty big place.

- Ok, I'll take it.

Minho, slightly annoyed at the guys' arrogant approach adds:
- There are many candidates, you know, so I'll get back to you if you get selected.

Jisung opens his eyes wide and talks to Minho with his bewildered face expression.

Hyunjin turns to Minho and asks:
- What does the selection depend on?

- Well, I need a three month advance, and some kind of evidence that you'll be able to pay rent regularly.

- Advance is not a problem, but I work as a freelancer so there's nothing regular for me.

Minho knows what that means.
He knows it too well, unfortunately.
He was the most wanted male model for several years, and earned some good money working abroad. But when he returned back to Seoul, nobody remembered him any more. He lost contact with people who helped him before. He didn't put enough effort to maintain relationships at home, and now there are no offers. Hence - the roommate.

Jisung, on the other hand, still lives with his parents, and is not quite ready to grow up. He's like Minho's little brother, cute, innocent, and loves Minho's protective side.

- Well, do you think this will be a good year for you?

- It should, I'm currently a backup dancer for a popular group. I'll be traveling a lot too.

- Ok. I'll be honest with you. You're the first normal candidate. So... welcome?

- Great! I can move in today.

- Today?? - it just hit Minho that someone will pull suitcases on his Brazilian walnut floor, and he shivers.

- Yeah, I have my bags ready in a hallway.

Minho and Jisung give each other a look. Jisung was not even allowed to keep his video games here, yet this guy will just roll in all his possessions.

And so he does. Two suitcases, one duffle bag, an easel, and some wrapped canvas.

Jisung looks at Minho's painful face expression and tells to his ear:

- I'll bring my stuff later. This is so very interesting.


And that's how our story begins 😊.


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