8 - Lean on

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On a way home from work, Minho smiles wondering if he'll help Hyunjin fall asleep tonight again. Holding him at night is his favorite activity now. Like a special dessert one keeps in a fridge and looks forward to at the end of the day.

Nobody peaked his interest like him. He's cuddly and cute, but deadly hot and sexy too.

So what if he's straight or taken or whatever? Minho can still be his friend. He wants to be the one who helps him fall asleep at night, the one who picks him up if he's hurt. He doesn't need to kiss him, he can just be his friend.

Just as he's finishing dinner, a sound of apartment door is heard. Minho gulps and sees a foot, in a slow motion, and then the rest of Hyunjin comes in.
It's all good again. Home suddenly got warmer and... what is going on? He feels nervous, even little insecure. His palms are all sweaty, and he doesn't know where to put his arms, he suddenly feels like a distraught octopus. He leans at a kitchen doorway to feel more stable, and watches as his roommate comes closer.

- What smells so good? - Hyunjin asks.

- I cooked. You want to eat?

- Yes, definitely! I can't believe you know how to cook.

Minho's heart is happy. Simply happy. The perfect apartment wasn't really perfect before. But now, with this dance insomniac by his side, when they share food, fill each other's glass, talk nonsense... it's all good.

At the end of the evening, they go to their own rooms, but they both secretly hope they won't be able to sleep and they'll meet again on a sofa.
Minho hurries to take a shower, to cool down his overheated skin that Hyunjin accidentaly touched in a hallway. He's so whipped over him, it's getting painful.

On the other side of the wall, Hyunjin is nervously pacing up and down because he can't wait to fall asleep on Minho's shoulder again. He needs that shoulder now, he's barely containing his desire.

It is not even midnight when Hyunjin opens his door and gets out. He heads to the living room and stops in front of the sofa. Minho is already there, waiting. Without saying a word, he sits down next to him. Looking at his shoulder, he asks for permission to lean on:

- May I lean on you?

- You know you may. It's all yours.

They sit like that and stare at whatever is on tv, who cares. Minho secretly looks down at Hyunjin's body that's now tucked in as close as possible to his right side. There is no sign of those nightly burst of energy, he is completely calm and content, right there. Minho is smiling, his heart is smiling too. It's all good and calm, until Hyunjin drops the question:

- Minho, am I really off limits to you?

Suddenly Minho's smiling face becomes serious. His heart is raging inside his chest, he can literally hear its beating. There is a flame in center of his body, like he was hit by a fireball. He sighs and looks at the beauty leaning on his shoulder.

- No.

- Good. - Hyunjin responds slyly. - I want you to flirt only with me.

This is it. This is a little speck of hope that Minho needed to loose a perfect balance between friendship and desire. Desire overweights the friendship, and he moves his hand towards Hyunjin. He just has to know.
He dares to gently touch his roommates' jaw.
Is he going to flinch and run away?
Is he going to push him and break this wonderful ritual of nightly cuddles?
He has to know.


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