♡ anton - my .𖥔 ݁ ˖

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(˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧

you entered the practice room, hands full of drinks and food for all the members. they came to help you with the bags straight away and thanked you.

you went to go sit down with them and scanned room as something felt different. anton, your friend that you have a secret crush on, wasn't there.

"wheres my anton?" you mumbled lowly. it was supposed to be an inner thought but ended up being audible to all 6 boys sitting around you.

the boys stayed silence and exchanged glances with one another but kept looking back at you, who was zoned out, eyes not moving off one spot on the floor.

some of them had caught onto your little secret through this but others were confused and scared at way you was staring at the floor.

sohee and seunghan being part of the ones who caught on were trying their best to hold in their laughter, but it was getting harder as you were oblivious to the fact you had just spoken your thoughts out loud. 

shotaro who also now knew, hit them trying to get them to stop teasing you unknowingly. however the smile on his face was getting harder to suppress.

just then a once missing anton came through the door, causing everyone to look back, and his eyes immediately landed on you.

your gazes locked on one anothers.

"y/n! your anton is back!" wonbin said, mimicking the possessive adjective you used earlier. this causing sohee and seunghan to completely lose all control they had over their laughter.

you and anton were the only ones confused, looking at the group of boys with your eyebrow raised. this caused more of them to join in on the laughter.

anton decided to come sit next to you, which only resulted with seunghan teasing me from across the floor.

he saw the color of your face change to a deep shade of red the moment anton thanked you for the food and to avoid eye contact, i looked right over to seunghan in front of me.

seunghan began to wiggle his eyebrows like a child and point with his eyes in antons direction and then back to you.

you finally understood what he was indicating, my eyes widened and you frantically shook my head in defence. seunghan rolled his eyes at your denial when the truth is telling enough.

you was thankful the others didn't notice what he did and were too engrossed in conversation. well that was until antons attention was caught because of your frantic head movements.

"y/n are you okay? oh my god why are you so red?" he asks with concern lacing his voice. you began to feel so thankful his voice was soft and low, especially in this moment as the rest can't hear him over their talking.

however feeling like a deer caught in headlights your response came out unusually, like as if you had become breathless.

"y- yeah i'm.. fine thank you."

"well no offence but you don't look it. come stand outside with me for some air." he replied sassily.

wow the sassy men apocalypse is real, you thought to yourself.

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