☾ as romace tropes .𖥔 ݁ ˖

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(˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧

  wonbin | 원빈
           - enemies to lovers
(she fell first, but he fell harder)

☾ you first met during high school, he was a quiet student but someone that everyone knew and you weren't necessarily popular but everyone also knew who you were.
☾ you had gotten paired together for a project in biology class and you went to cafés together to prepare for it.
☾ you both struggled with the project and often
got into small arguments due to your frustrations.
☾ after that project you both refused to talk to
each other and even refused to notice one another's existence for the rest of the year.

☾ at the end of the school year your school always does an a class trip and this year is
was to a theme park.
☾ your class were all lined up for the biggest
ride at the theme park. your two best friends decided to sit next to each other. you took a seat behind them and waited to see who you would have to sit next to.
☾ it was park wonbin.
☾ he rolled his eyes at the sight of you and sat down as it was the only seat left.
☾ that was the day you realised wonbin had a crippling fear of rollercoasters.
☾ as you reached the tallest point of the ride wonbin held on to your hand and let out blood-curdling scream as it dropped
☾ he continued to squeeze your hand, so hard that you thought you might loose blood circulation, until the very end.
☾ after the ride finished you looked over at him to see him with his eyes shut tightly, you couldn't help but chuckle at him.
☾ the sound of your laugh made his eyes open immediately and he threw a nasty glance your way, then once he realised where his hand was he pretended to throw up.

☾ you went the rest of the day without coming into close contact with him, but that didn't mean you weren't watching him from a distance.
☾ you were watching him laughing with his friends, ordering food, playing the arcade games.
☾ it felt like the hatred you had only previously felt for him earlier in the day was starting to disappear.

☾ after summer break ended you went back to school looking forward to seeing that one person, park wonbin.
☾ he was still thinking that you both despise each other but in reality you spent your whole summer daydreaming about him and seeing what he was doing on his friends socials.
☾ you had started to develop a little crush.
☾ even when you hated him you could admit that his face was godly, but now the hatred is gone you think his face is even beyond godly.
☾ over the next few months you slowly started to try talk to the boy, but he gave very dry reactions and often acted disgusted.
☾ that didn't stop you though, you just started to make your feelings more obvious.
☾ you would bring him snacks and leave them on his desk, making sure that he saw it was you.
☾ this sparked an intense confusion in him and he decided to follow you after school one day on instagram to message you.
☾ [why are you acting so weird? what has gotten into you..? 🙄]
☾ [i'm not acting weird, i just like you wonbin]

☾ after that day wonbin stopped being so reluctant to you sweet gestures, when you would bring him gifts he started to smile at you and whisper a thankyou.
☾ the crush was getting serious for you, whenever he would react nicely to you an eruption of butterflies would happen in your stomach.
☾ it took a short while for him to start showing signs of liking you back, but you still weren't super certain those signs were correct or if you were just delusional.

☾ you decide to ask his best friend shotaro if wonbin ever talks about you.
☾ "oh my god yes, recently he hasn't seemed to be able to shut up about you but like in a really good way.. i thought you hated each other?"
☾ that was all you needed to feel secure, the thought of him speaking about you made your face heat up and it clicked for shotaro that the feelings between you and wonbin were mutual.
☾ you begged shotaro to not mention this to anyone, or at least just not wonbin, and after teasing you he agreed.

☾ you and wonbin started scheduling hangouts, or some may even say dates, after school as you started growing closer
☾ on these hangouts, because you knew he liked you back, you tried to do somethings that would obviously get his heart racing and make him become flustered
☾ your plan works and he is falling harder for you every day, no one has ever made him feel what you do
☾ he starts to reciprocate the actions and tries to make your heart flutter the same way you make his do
☾ for example, when you're getting something out of your locker at school he will come wrap his arms around your waist and rest his chin on your shoulder
☾ or he will move the hair out of your face but trace his hand along your cheek as he pulls away
☾ winks at you from across the room
☾ puts sweet notes on your desk
☾ everyone thinks your dating already
☾ but in reality your both showing your feelings for each other but no one has even brought up becoming official

☾ one day he decided he had enough of just being on the "best friend" level with you
☾ it was a weekend and you had planned to go for a simple walk with wonbin in a nice park near by
☾ he had brought along a bouquet of your favorite flowers and put a handwritten note in the middle of them and he also had a surprise gift for you
☾ you wasn't expecting any of this
☾ he sat on the park bench in front of a stream waiting for your arrival, his leg bounced in anxiousness
☾ even though you both clearly liked each other he was still nervous of a possibility that he is seeing the signs wrong
☾ snapping him out of your thoughts was you coming into his frame of view
☾ a smile grew on his face and his nerves were replaced with excitement
☾ the brightly colored petals caught your attention and the surprise was evident on your face
☾ he handed them to you and you eyes welled up due to the overwhelming emotions you we're feeling in that moment
☾ you pulled out the note and read it, the tears already in your eyes threatening to spill at any moment
☾ 'I feel angry at myself for getting mad at you over such small things during our project that time. I know you were only trying your best and i should've appreciated that more. You were definitely the reason we managed to get an A ㅎㅎ. I don't know why i decided to make you an enemy from that point forward even though i didn't know who you truly were.
I'm so glad the last seat on that ride was the one next to you. If it wasn't i don't know if i would've been able to get to know the person who brings sunshine to my life even on the rainiest of days. You're the epitome of kindness. There's no one like you, seriously. I'm thankful for getting to know the real Y/n.
You have made me feel true love for the first time. I want to keep you in my life forever, is that okay with you? Will you be mine?'
☾ with tears running down your face, you pulled him into a hug. it was the most intimate hug you had ever experienced. you could feel the warmth and love radiating off one another
☾ he pulled away and you began to pout
☾ that was he pulled out a box and opened it to reveal a necklace
☾ it was silver and had a heart shaped locket, you opened to locket to see a picture of you both on each half
☾ he spun you around so he could put the necklace on you
"you're so beautiful"
☾ with that he looked so adoringly and deeply into your and placed one hand on your cheek and the other on your lower back
☾ he leaned in and gently placed his lips on yours, creating electric sparks in you both

- 1400 words

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