reactions to... .𖥔 ݁ ˖

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(˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧
~ when you're upset ~

  shotaro | 쇼타로
☆ kinda goes into panic mode when he sees you crying
☆ runs over and immediately asks whats wrong
☆ when you don't respond he just encapsulates you into a warm hug until you're ready to speak
☆ will spend the rest of the whole day stuck by your side making sure your fine
☆ does everything for you before you even ask him

  sungchan | 성찬
❀ he notices you're behaving differently
❀ he doesn't want to push you to say anything if you're not ready to
❀ instead he makes plans to cheer you up
❀ takes you out to a pretty park and books a place at a nice restaurant
❀ compliments you all throughout to see you smile
❀ when you get back and go to bed he cuddles you and whispers in your ear "remember, you can always talk to me about anything" whilst combing his hands through your hair

  eunseok | 은석
𖦹 he realises you're not really reacting or responding to anything he's saying
𖦹 he tries to make a joke so he can see you laugh
𖦹 when you don't laugh he worries and immediately pulls you onto his lap
𖦹 he places kisses all over your face gently before asking if you're okay
𖦹 listens to everything you have on your mind whilst holding you in his arms warmly

  wonbin | 원빈
☾ runs to the store immediately and comes back with your favorite snacks, a teddy bear and a bouquet of flowers
☾ sets up the room so you're comfortable, puts a blanket over you both
☾ puts a movie on the tv and snuggles up to you with his arm around your shoulder, head resting on top of yours
☾ whilst you're watching the film he will whisper sweet nothings into your ear hoping it'll make you feel better

  seunghan | 성한
✧ wipes your tears away but ends up crying with you
✧ you both pour your feelings out to and find out you can relate and understand each other deeply
✧ makes a warm drink for you before you fall asleep in his arms

  sohee | 소희
♫ uses a lot of encouraging words
♫ "you have me, you can tell me anything y/n"
♫ will not let go of you for the rest of the day, hugging at every moment
♫ as you fall asleep he would hum your favorite song, it has a sweet meaning behind it

  anton | 안톤
♡ knows his soft, gentle voice is gentle in these situations
♡ will talk to you about anything and everything to help get your mind off whatever you're thinking about
♡ talking to him is like your therapy
♡ he caresses your cheek and places kisses all over them

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