Just work

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I arrive at the office in shambles. Dark circles evade the bags under my eyes. I hope I can slip into my office before anyone notices and maybe fix myself up a bit. I walk through the office, slouched over, with my head down, when I bump into a lumpy figure. It’s Marc, one of my coworkers.

-  Oh girl, are you okay?
-  Uh, yeah, sorry, I wasn’t paying attention.
- Damn honey, you’re looking rough. What’s get up to last night?

Marc cocks his brow and looks at me shyly.

-  I just need to be alone right now.
-  Oh, there sounds like there is a story here. Do tell!

Marc shimmies his shoulders and rests his chin in his palms, leaning his ear toward me.

- The only story here is that it’s early, and I need coffee.
- You’re no fun.
-  You can bring it to my office and leave the judgment at the door.
- No promises.

Marc leaves to make my coffee and passes by Connor as he walks through the door. Oh, here we go. I hope this isn’t weird. Last night was intense.

-  Good morning, Miss Miller.
-  Good morning, Mr. Knight.
-  Did you have a good evening?

Is he going to pretend like nothing happened?

- I did. Thank you for asking. Did you?
-  I did. Thanks.

Connor smiles and walks past me as if I am any other colleague. What the hell? All of a sudden last night didn’t happen? Probably better that way. Last night was one – off and just some stupid fun between two people blowing off steam.

-  Have a good day.
-  You too.

I head toward my office, but Sarah stops me in the doorway, pushing papers into my chest.

- We need Connor to sign these.
-  Okay, so get him to sign them.
- He won’t listen to anyone else but you.
- That’s not true.
- It is though. You have a way with him.

I try to hide my blush and look down at the ground. Sarah notices my messy exterior.

-  You look like you had a rough night, everything okay?
- Oh yeah, everything is fine. Just didn’t get much sleep is all.
- Was Andrew giving you a hard time again?

I shake my head and my cheeks flush. Sarah notices my flushed cheeks.

- No, nothing like that.
- Was Connor giving you a hard time?
-  What? No! Jeez, it’s nothing.
-  All right, just looking out for you is all. They don’t call him “The Player” for nothing. That man loves to play and play hard.
-  Don’t worry. I know better than to mix business and pleasure.
- Hey, there’s nothing wrong with bringing work home from time to time. But not this one. Even if his reputation is exaggerated, it’s still not great.

Sarah smirks, but the furrows her brows.

-  I’m aware.
-  All right, well…
- I’ll get these signed as soon as I can.

I walk past Sarah, throw the papers on the desk, and sit down with an exhale. Marc enters with my coffee, places it on my desk, and sits across from me.

- So about last night.
- Nothing happened.
- Honey, your face tells a different story.
- You just can’t help but be a gossip, can you?
- It is what you pay me for. The coffee, and the tea.

Marc smirks as I take a sip of coffee.

- Well, thank you for the coffee yours is always the best.
- It’s a gift.
- It certainly is, speaking of…

My finger through the papers on my desk that Connor needs to sign.

- Did Connor mention where he was off to this morning?
-  No. Why? Do you have a gift for him?
- No, just some papers I need him to…
- Hold the phone, is there something going on between you two?
- Marc, you know I’m married.
- So? That doesn’t mean something isn’t going on.
-  There’s nothing.
- Married or not, something could still happen.
-  Please, you know I’m not like that.
-  Like what? Someone who likes to have fun?

I sigh and shake my head.

- Just forget about it. Forget about him.
- Not likely, I have an image in my head that will most certainly be getting me through the day.
-  All right, well take your daydreaming out of my office, I have work to do.
- Yes, madam.

Marc leaves and I flip through the papers that Connor needs to sign.

- How am I ever going to get him to sign these?

I don’t even know where he went. He just left. It’s like he’s avoiding me. I wonder if it’s about last night? Maybe it’s something I said? Or did? Maybe even something I didn’t do. Well, he has to return sometime. I continue with work for the day, but after a few hours, I still see no signs of Connor. I check my phone. Where is he? Fine. I’ll text him.

- Hey, where are you?
- I’m busy.
- Do you think you could make the time to meet later?
- I have some time this evening.
- Great, where can we meet?
- My penthouse, 7:30 p.m.
- Thanks, see you soon.

The elevator door opens up to Connor’s penthouse. It’s dark and quiet.

- Hello? Anyone home? Connor?

I hear rustling and what sounds like running water.

- Connor?
- Yeah, I’m back here!

I follow Connor’s voice and find him as he is coming out of the shower, wrapping a towel around his waist. Connor begins to change into pajamas, I try to not admire his rippling abs and rolling biceps.

- Found me.
- I need to talk to you.
- What’s the big emergency?
- We have work to do, and you’ve been missing all day.
- And you need me for every little thing?

I pull the papers out of their folder.

- I need you to sign these, here.

I push the papers into his chest.

- You know, you wanted me to treat you like a colleague, like any other manager.
- Yeah, and?
- And I did. Yet you come to my home, after hours, demanding work to be done.
- Hey, this could have been resolved, had you.
- You think I give anyone else as much time as I give you?
- Well, this is why you don’t mix business with pleasure.
- Your pleasure is my business.
- It’s not though. It’s my husband.
-  Oh? And when was the last time that he saw it?

I shoot him a glare.

-  That’s none of your business. Just sign the papers. It’s the only reason I’m here.
- The only reason, huh? I’ll tell you what, I’ll sign when you stop playing around and lying to yourself.
- You’re the one playing around here.
- I’m not playing. I’m being serious. I invited you here and you agreed. I invited you for pleasure, not for business.
- Well, I’m only…
- Stop pretending like you don’t want the same thing.
-  I don’t know what you’re talking about.
-  No? I want to taste you. I want to fuck you. I want to make you scream. What do you want?
-  Connor! I’m married. 
-  I don’t give a shit. Be honest with yourself. What do you want?

He grabs me with one swoop of his arm, holds my face in his palms, and kisses me passionately.

- I want to touch you again. I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you since that night in LA.
-  And?
-  And I just want to lose control around you. Every fiber of being calls out to be ravaged by you, and I want you.

Connor pulls me in once more, and we kiss. Our lips embraced and our tongues collided like comets on fire.

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