1. Letters

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Dear Mrs, Granger,

Thank you for everything you have done to help us in this unfortunate time. But in lighter news, we invite you back to re-do your 7th year in Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
We do hope you take us up on our offer. And Mrs. Granger you have been elected to be Head girl. You are to report to the Heads Cabinet on the train and have the meeting with the head boy, I will be present for I fear I have to discuss some new, laws being in place. That effect all of the students returning and not returning.
But I have faith I will see you at the start of the meeting Miss. Granger, also, for our heads living has been, rearranged, you both will have your own common room and bedrooms in the astronomy tower.
I will give further information when you are both infront of me. Your pin should be included in the letter, if not owl me before you leave for the train station. Thank you again Miss. Granger.

Headmistress Migonigal

I clap my hands! I'm going home! I hug the parchment to my chest.

I am kind of worried though. Who is head boy? What is this law that she speaks of? Only time will tell I guess.

I quickly get my things ready. I always read the letter the day I'm going to head for the train. It just feels more magical this way.

I pull on a pair of muggle leggings, and a cropped quitage hoodie, and I had put a black tank top on under before I had slipped the cropped hoodie on. I pull my hair into a tight high ponie tail, and I slide on my slip ons, I put on mascara and lip gloss, just a little makeup would do.

I grab crookershnacks and put him in his cage and I grab my stuffed full trolly and headed to the living room.

"Mum, dad, I'm heading to the Weasleys! I'll see you guys at Christmas!" I say pulling them into a hug quickly.

The Ministry granted them their memories back for my help in the war, and I came back home, "we love you Mione! You make sure to owl us everyday! And don't forget!" My mom says holding up my head girl pin. "We are so proud of you!" She says taking a step back into my dads arms admiring me.

"I love you guys!" I say stepping into the fireplace after I waved my wand for it to grow bigger. After I leave it will shrink down back to it's normal muggle sized.

My dad kissed his hand and out strareted his arm to me 'handing' me his kiss. I act like I grab it and nod. My mom waved as she sobs into my dads arm. "We loved you" she says and I take a hand full of floo powder that was on the mantal but, when I have it expand to be a floo it moves right next to the opening.

"The Burrow!" I yell loud and clear giving my parents one last smile before I disappear from their living room to the Weasleys,

"Hermione!" Ginny yells pulling me into a hug.

"Hi Ginny! Hey! I haven't even had time to clean my self off yet" I say as she pulls away and I wipe my shoulder of all the dirt that had come from the floo.

"Mione!" Harry yells as he sees me and he pulls me into a tight long hug. "How was seeing your parents after they got their memories back?" He asks pulling back to look at me.

"Brilliant simply brilliant! I missed them so! It was amazing time well spent!" I say waving my wand wordlessly cleaning myself.

"Congratulations on head girl mione!" Harry says patting my arm.

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