4. Sorting

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The train starts to roll to a stop. I grab crookershnacks and put him in his crate gently,I put him on top of the trunks I have on the trolly. And I mutter a spell just in case things get bumpy he won't fall off.

Malfoy and I start releasing the students. 7th years to 1st years. Malfoy and I walk side by side. Not speaking or touching.

"Keep your pace. We need to get you lot on the boats before the feast begins." Malfoy booms out his voice to all the little kids, muttering excitedly.

As we get the last set of 6 kids in the last boat we finally get on yours.

Malfoy waves his want and the oars start rotating and we start flying in the air. We start hovering over the students, as a few point up, looking at us and smiling.

We land just at the other shore. And we Arrive a few seconds before the first boats.

"Okay everyone please leave your trollys and animals and fantastic beasts here." I say as we enter the castle's main gates. "After you've been sorted you will find your trollys at the end of your beds in your common rooms. Right down here is the great hall" I say pointing and turning to lead them. With Malfoy by my side the whole time.

As we get to the doors Malfoy and I stop and look up at the children.

"Alright children. There are 4 houses. Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, Gryfinndoor, and Slytherin."

"Slytherin is the best might I add" I shake my head to Malfoy cutting me off. But I continue on.

"You will sit at the empty table where ever you may like. But after the feast, you will be sorted into your houses. If someone where to need us we will be sitting at the Heads table tonight, at the back of the room. The Professors will be in a line at the front of the room. And remember keep clear of the weaping willow tree, and the forbidden forest is strictly forbidden" I add and I pause looking at the children who look like they where about to fall asleep listening to me. I clap my hands together star taking a few "alright whose hungry?" I ask and they all scream me! At once.

Malfoy chuckles and helps me push open the grand doors. To where everyone was already sitting patiently waiting for our arrival with the first years. Seeing the faces of the kids lighting up, reminds me of my first day here at hogwarts.

They all take there seats and Malfoy and I make our way over to the heads table. I look over to the perfects table that was to my left on the other side of the grand doors. I make eye contact with Ron and, seeing that he's glaring at Malfoy and I. I quickly turn my head away.

And suddenly I seemed to have missed the introduction saramoney. The food appeared. And the sorting started. With eliminating seats from the center and adding to the house table when assigned.

"What you do this summer granger?" Malfoy asks catching me off guard and pulling my attention. He was looking down at his food. But I could tell he was waiting for me to respond.

"Do you really wanna know or are you just being... well you?"

"Im really asking granger but if you don't want to conversate we don't have to." He says pushing is sausage around his plate.

"No. No. I'm sorry. Well, I spent the summer with my parents. But the beginning of it was weird." I say honestly taking a bite of the steak and cheese I had in front of me.

"Weird how?"

"Well" I say with a mouth full of food, but I covered my mouth with my hand before I had said it. I quickly Finnish chewing and swallow my food. "When the war had started" I say poring more whine into my cup. "I feared with being a muggle born and being with Harry, when voldimort was trying to kill him. I feared to get to me, the death-" I didn't finish the word seeing him stiffen slightly to the start of the word. Weird. "They, would try to get to me through my parents so I had obliviated them"

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