Moving day

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Y/n's pov

I woke up to hear my alarm going off it 3 am it time to go to the airport because my mom is moving me and my older brother and little sister to Boston after my dad died my mom needs a new life to try to get her mind off things, my older brother  came in "Get your ass up we have to go" "yeah I know jack ass get out" he left my room and I got up and change into to comfy clothes

I woke up to hear my alarm going off it 3 am it time to go to the airport because my mom is moving me and my older brother and little sister to Boston after my dad died my mom needs a new life to try to get her mind off things, my older brother  c...

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*This is what you picked*

I got all my stuff together and I  called my best friend to sat good bye, then we all go in the Uber and left for the airport, we got on our flight and the trip begin, I put my air pods in then i played my play list,my little sister past out, same with my  mom so it was just me and my older brother mark,  Mark wasn't that much older then me just by a year, "hey you alright" mark asked "yeah just sad because it feels like we are leaving dad" I tried not to cry, but mark knew I was going to cry so he just hug me saying  "hey don't cry you will embrace me" I just laugh when he let me go he smiled and went to sleep, my brother is very protective and sweet, he is the best brother every, I finally sleep for two hours, when I wake up my mom is awake  "hi sweetie we have 15 minutes until we land" she said in a sleepy tone I woke up my brother mark and my little sister Mia my sister is 8 years  old and very sweet and quiet, we finally landed and we go outside and a strange lady that I never seen before but my mom was exited to see her "Marylou, you look so good you didn't have 4 kids"  "well I did  Boys come out and meet the Thomas" she said exited while  hugging my mom, I look up from my phone to see three look alike boys standing  beside the car, they smiled at me and I'm pretty sure I almost fainted,my brother standed beside me glaring at them, while my little sister was standing next to my mom being shy "mark you don't need to protect me any more I'm 18 I'm old enough to take care of myself" I whisper to him "I know  I just want you to be safe and all" he said with a smiled and walk over to mia that's hiding from everyone "boys go and say hi to Y/n" Mary Lou said while pointing at me. The boys walk up to me and the one with the blonde hair spoke first  "hi I'm Nicolas but you can call me nick" he said while smiling then other boy with longer hair spoke "sup I'm Christopher but just call me chris" then the lasted one spoke "I'm Matthew but call me Matt " I'm Y/n and nice to meet you all" they all smiled and then my mom said let's go some how Mary Lou drove us to our new house in was so big we went inside and when I saw my room it was awesome

Arthur notes ❤️

Hey guys hopefully you like my new book, i have other book called "the change" if you want take a little look but over all  that KS for reading

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