Lake day

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⚠️grammar,language,time skips⚠️

Y/n's pov

I flutter my eyes open and I see Matt on hid phone scrolling, he looks at me and turns it off "good morning" he said with a smile "morning" I Yawned and smiled back, "what times is it" I asked sitting up " 10:15" Matt said looking at me "ugh" I groaned "oh nick came in and asked if we wanted to go to the lake this afternoon" Matt said holding eye contact "I'll love to" I said jumping pit of bed

Me and Matt walk downstairs and nick is making pancakes "where the little kid" I asked "still sleeping" nick laughed at my comment, "Matt go wake up chris and I'll put blue berries in the pancakes " nick said , matt ran up to Chris's room, I laugh and nick gives me a plate of fluffy pancakes . Matt came down with Chris who looked pissed "fuck you matt" Chris said flipping matt "well I wanted blueberries and I got blueberries" Matt said grabbing the plate from nick and running over to where I as sitting, chris grab a plate and sat next to us same with nick "okay what time will we go to the lake" I asked stuffing my face with pancakes "12 to 5" nick said

we all agree on the time, I walk up to my room and took a shower, I got out and did my skin care and I jump in bed with cooper
I layed in bed scrolling on tiktok when nick comes in "hey girly" nick said sitting on my bed "whats up" I turn off my phone "can you help me with my room" nick beg "fine" I signed, nick jump up exited and ran to the other hallway and I followed

~time skip~

It's was 11 and I decided to get ready, I grab a white two pieces bathing suit, I put it in a bag with a towel and sunscreen and sun glasses, I put on the out fit and put on a over side t shirt with black short and tied my hair in two French braids, I walk downstairs with cooper and my stuff and i sit at the counter, then Matt walks down with his stuff, "ready" he asked I nodded matt calls for nick and Chris and we got into the van with coooer of course, I sat with nick and Chris was in the passenger side and Matt was driving

~time skip

We got to the lake and we found a sandy part the sun was shining and it was hot We set up out towels amd matt put up an umbrella,I put my stuff with nick and I took off my shirt and my shorts and put sunscreen on and I asked nick to help with my back "thank you nick" I said "no problem" nick said laying on his towel under the umbrella, i unleash Cooper from his harness and threw a ball I brought for him

"Y/n you coming in" I hear Chris yell "yeah just in a few" I yelled back , I grt up and take off my sunglasses and place all my stuff near nick and walked In the cold but warm water.

As I go deeper up to my stomach it gets cold "Fuck, it's so fucking cold!" I yelled, I see Chris laughing his ass off and Matt who is trying not to laugh "fuck you both" I flip them off

~Time skip~

We were packing to go get food but Chris was still playing with cooper in the water "cooper!, chris! Get your ass out of the water!" I yell cooper comes running amd Chris right behind him, "let's go eat" Matt's says throwing Chris a towel "yes" nick yells while walking

~time skip (sorry)~

We all got home after dinner I went to go take a shower, i got out and did my skin care and put on a hoodie with black shorts I tie my hair in loose Braids and went downstairs where the boys were watching a movie, I walk over and sit beside nick because chris was sitting next to Matt, as we watch a movie we hear a knock at the door "I'll get it" I aaid walking up to the door, as i walk up cooper was growling at the door "cooper stop" I whisper

Cooper keeps growling I look in the window to see who it is ,my face was shocked it was jack with a bottle of achol in his hand and he knocked again, I turn around and the guy were looking at me "guys it's jack" I said we a Terrified look on my face, nick turn off the TV and we turn off the light and we stand there waiting for him to go, he start to giggle the handle of the door nobe, I walk over and locked the top lock to be safe.

Cooper was sitting in front of us well me, I pet him letting him know that I was okay, "come on guys I know you are in there!" Jack yelled, cooper ran to the door barking and growling "cooper stop" I whisper yell, cooper runs to the window waiting for something "guys hide behind something" I said while going behind the couch, we forgot to close the blinds, I peek and i see jack who was skinny and drunk and he was looking at cooper who was showing his teeth, if cooper got out of the house he would hurt jack so much, I pick up my phone and called 911 "um hi l, my name is Y/n y/l/n and there is a guy who drunk and is trying to break in, and he trying to break the glass and my dog will kill him" I said to the lady "okay Y/n, the police will be there in 10 minutes, is there any way you can get away from him?" The lady asked "no, he watching through the window and I have my friends with me" I said shaking "okay, is your dog and old police dog?" She asked "yeah why?" I sad confused "okay good let him outside and tell him a to hurt but not kill" the lady said with confidence in her vocie "okay" I said

I crawl to he door and I called cooper over I stand up out of the view of the window, I unlock the locks and I look at cooper who was looking at me "cooper hurt not kill" I looked him dead in the eyes, he looked st me like he was saying yes, I open the door and cooper ran to where jack was

~time skip~

We finished talking to the police officers and we all had a sleep over in the living room. I was laying with cooper "your my good boy cooper" I whisper to him petting him

Here is part 18 hope you like

Word count 1176

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