The kiss

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Y/n's pov

I had the best birthday party ever, I was laying in bed with cooper when nick came in "hey, want to the mall for a little bit I'm bored and I want to shop for new clothes" nick said as he sat down on the edge of my bed "sure, is Chris and matt coming" I asked "yeah" nick replied "okay, I'll get ready" I said as I sat up from me bed "okay see you down stairs" nick said as he walked out of my room

I got up and put on a pair of boot cut jeans I got from my birthday, and a hoodie and tied my hair up in a ponytail, I put on alittle bit of make up and grab my wallet. I said goodbye to cooper and then I walked downstairs, so see Chris jumping up and down like a kid and i see matt and nick looking at each other with what the fuck look "who gave the child candy" I said at the bottoms of the stairs "no, this kid is exited because matt promised him McDonalds" nick said as he grab his shoes "oh god" I said as I put my cowboy boots that my brother got me for my birthday

•time skip•

Chris got his McDonalds, and I was in the passenger seat as we drive to the mall, we drive to the parking lot and it packed with cars and i hear matt says something under his breath  "you okay matt" I asked  "yeah I just have social anxiety" he said as we parked "oh" I said stepping out the van
As we walked in there was alot of people, is was loud and crowded, I look at Matt who look uncomfortable, I stayed beside him as we walk into stores

After 30 minutes matt hands were shaking and he was biting his nails, chis and nick kept walking into stores where so much people were. I look at Matt who was breathing heavily, I grab his hand and I drag him out of the store and to a quiet spot where no people were, matt dropped on the floor and he had a bit of tears in his eyes ,I wiped his tears "Matt, it's okay, you got this no one is here okay" I tried to make him look at me instead of words his hugs me tightly

I hug him back and rub circles on his back as his breathing goes back down to normal "are you okay" I asked worried, he just nods and keeps hugging me

He let go of me and he looked better "are you okay" I asked again  "I'm okay, but I need to get out of here" he said "okay" I texted nick and said while happened and few minutes later nick amd Chris walked up "hey Matt you okay" Chris asked  "yea I'm better" Matt replied

•time skip•

We were on the couch and Matt pulled me aside where Chris and nick couldn't see us "thank you again Y/n" Matt said as he look into my eyes "anytime Matt, I use to get panic attacks when I was younger " I said
Me and Matt looked into each other eyes until Matt started to lean in, I was surprised and shocked but I leaned in to and then me and Matt kissed....

Hey guys I'm back, I will just like to let you guys know this book is almost come to an end, sorry for a short book but I hope you like the chapter luv you all

Word count: 607

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