Calm down

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⚠️swearing and trauma ⚠️

Y/n's pov

I was laying on my bed with Cooper when my mom came into my room "hey I'm going out with some friends for a drink, mia at Jane's house, mark is out with some friends" my mom said "okay drive safe and don't drink to much" I said while petting Cooper

My mom walked out I was lonely again,I was use to it ,back home my mom worked crazy shifts same with my dad before he past away that's why me and mark are close for brother and sister he was mostly taking care of me when there was no one home. But I'm bored so I invited nick to come over Matt and Chris were buys doing shit so nick came over

I hear the door, I run downstairs opening the door nick was standing there with pizza and rootbeer "aw nick you shouldn't have" I said letting him in "well it just us tonight so why not spoil us" he said taking off his shoes  we walk to the kitchen, I grab some plates and some cups, as we finish eating I was putting the dishes away while nick was wiping the counter

Then as the last dish was in the dishwasher my phone started  to ring


Hey,Y/n I missed hearing your voice

Um, I'm sorry who is this

Don't be silly out know who this is

I actually Don't know

You fucking stupid Bitch it's Cole idiot

How did you get my number Cole

You're friends told me, so where did you move

I'm not telling you Cole,we're done so stop fucking  calling me

Don't you have fucking manners Don't yell at me Bitch!

Stop calling me and leave me alone

Well I can't Maya broke up with me and I can't stop thinking about you Y/n

You deserve getting broken up with you were a toxic Bitch that never loved me and beat me until I was done,I'm glad your slutty Bitch broke up with you

Never fucking talk to me like that you know that I loved you so much you just were a stupid Bitch  that needed manners

Never call me again Cole

Don't worry I won't call you, I'll come see you, you really think moving away can keep me away no, soon me and you will be together again Y/n

I hanged up the phone while nick was looking at me concerned "Y/n you okay" nick said "I..  I need to call my mom" I said with tears in my eye I click the button it rings on the last ring she answered

Hey honey are you okay?

Mom he found my number again he says he coming to find me

Shit I'll be home in 10

No mom stay longer I have nick with me I'll be fine

Okay hun and just remember if it happens tell you're self to calm down

Okay I will bye love you

"Y/n what's wrong" nick said "fine but you can't tell anyone" I said with tears running down my face "okay" nick said hugging me so I told nick everything about my ex Cole how he was toxic and abuse, how he cheated on me every week and how I was dumb by staying with him every time he says he sorry and he loves me nick just listened to me while I cry into his chest
"Hey calm down you're okay you're safe Y/n" nick said while hugging me tightly "thank you nick for helping me" I say letting go of him

~time skip~

Two days has past since the call my  mom got home last night and called the cops on Cole and Cole was arrested for abuse and for selling stuff he shouldn't have so I was finally safe and I'm glad

Nick kept his word and didn't tell anyone or his own brothers about it so I felt bad because he tells them everything so I told him he can tell them once he did I get call from  Matt

Hey Matt
Hey nick told us everything are you okay

Yes im okay now that he is arrested and gone for along time

I'm glad to hear that so hey there is a bong fire this sat at my friend's place do you want to come with me and nick and Chris

Yeah, ofc why not

Okay talk soon

I hang up the phone and went to ask my  mom about Saturday  "will there be drinks" no mom we are 18 and his parents will be home in the office because the work at home "okay you can go but if there is achol make sure to not have any"  "trust me mom there will be no achol " I said hugging her "okay now go to bed" she said pointing to the stairs  "night love you" I says running up the stairs I can't wait for Saturday 

Arthur notes ❤️

Hey guys here part 8 hope you like

849 words

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