Long car ride (Part 2)

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⚠️swearing,grammar,time skips⚠️

Y/n's pov

I wake up, in the middle of the night I check my phone and see it only 3:30am, I groaned and I got up my mouth was dry so I went to the kitchen to grab a water bottle when I was looking I feel a arm around my waist  "it's me matt" Matt said is a husky vocie "Matt you scared the shit out of me" I said "sorry" he said grabbing two water bottles "here" he handed me a bottle, I chug the water bottle "holy shit you were thirsty" he laughed "Yup" I said in a tried voice "come on back to bed" Matt said grabbing my hand

I laugh, we get back in bed and I fall asleep
Matt grabs my waist and pulls me closer to him and I feel safe

~skip time~

I hear Matt's alarm go off, I was about to turn it off when it turns off I open my eyes to see matt is standing in front of me shirtless, the light were off thank God he would see my face red as I watch him I look at his tattoos that I seen once or twice, I sit up the light are off matt was sitting on the Edge of the bed I grab my phone to see it's 5:30am, I take off the sweat shirt that Matt let me borrow ,I as dying hot lucky I had a tank top on "morning" a husky vocie spoke I look up to see matt smiling at me "morning" I smile back "since when did you have tattoos!?" Matt layed beside me looking at the tattoos on my arm " I had them for a year now" I said "how come I never seen them  until now" he said in a confused tone "I don't know I wear alot of long sleeve shirts" I laugh 

"Well show them more the cool as fuck" he said getting up and putting a shirt on amd grabbing a hoodie and putting it on "come let's get this show on the road" he said grabbing my hand "okay" I said holding his hand
We woke up nick and Chris we all got ready for the trip got everything and everyone including Cooper in he van I was the passenger princess, we get in and it still dark I grab the sweat shirt and put it on because it was cold "where did you get the shirt Y/n" nick asked "Matt is letting me borrowing it" I said putting my seat belt on "Chris you good with Cooper back thers" I asked, Chris didn't awnser  "he is passed out with cooper" nick said putting his head phones on and closing his eyes

Matt gets in the driver side after checking everything and making sure to lock the door, "ready" I asked "Yup" he said, we started to drive, I put on some music so me and Matt won't sit in Silence, I was looking out the window looking at the dark moring sky, we came to a red light and I look at Matt who look kinda tried "did you get enough sleep" I asked  "not really" he said  "go to the McDonald's parking lot" I said "why" he asked confused  "just do as I say" I said "alright" he said we came to the parking lot

"Why are we here "because I'm got enough sleep so we are switching" I said Taking my seat belt off "but you don't  know the way" Matt said "GPS" I said Matt got out got in the passenger seat I put my seat belt on and I started  to drive following the gps,matt fell asleep an hour ago so I'm just awake, the sky is still dark out, I came to a red light as I wait for the red light to turn green and big truck came up beside me and the guy that was driving look familiar I look at him amd realize that's it the triplets  ex best friend jack that my brother beat up at the bong fire a few weeks ago the light turn green, so I sped up a little trying no to be recognize by jack lucky he went to a McDonald drive thru,

About and hour later, i get to a red light as I wait I feel a hand on my thigh I look to see Matt's hand but he was still sleeping, the light turned  green and I started to drive again

~time skip~

It's now 8 in the morning the sky started to get bright but was still kinda dark, I was at a red light when I had to use the  bathroom  the boys were still sleeping but Cooper wasn't he was awake amd was sitting behind my seat, I get the gas station and I realized I have a Quartert tank so I filled it up and stretched my legs after I was done I drove to a parking spot and I grab a leash and I grab Cooper and took him for a walk to use the bathroom, I put in him the back again the boys were still sleeping, I grab my purse and went in the store I got a some drinks for everyone and some snacks, I pay amd grab the bags and I use the bathroom

I get back in and the boys are still sleeping, I pulled out and grab my rootbeer and took at sip

~time skip~

It now 10 and the boys are some how Still sleeping, I was at a red light so I cracked my back and my neck, we still have  hours left until we get to the mountains, I put on a new play list and started to lip sync to the songs, about 30 minutes later my leg start to cramp up so I park in a parking lot I get out and put on the sweat shirt, I stretch and I knew the boys would love to stretch too, so I open the passenger door "Matt, wake up, you should probably take a stretch and eat something" I said sofly shaking  him

His eye flutter open and looked at me with a smile, "morning princess" I said "morning" he said ,matt gets out and stretch,  I woke up nick a Chris and I took Cooper for a bathroom break and gave him some water and food "y/n why did you wake me up" Chris groaned "because I bin driving since 6 in the morning and i need to talk to people" I said in a annoyed tone "y/n you okay" Matt came up to me "I'm fine" I said in a cranky tone "no your not" he said pulling me into a hug  "sorry I raised my voice im just tried" I said hugging him back "okay I'm driving then" Matt laughed "okay" I said letting go of him and walking  to put Cooper back

I get in the passenger seat I grab  a blanket and I put my seat back alittle and I closed my eyes


Hope you guys like this part, I will make part 3 soon,

1214 words

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