when you call them your husband

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(established relationship, gn reader, fluff)

It's Pizza night at the lair! :D....like almost every other night.

You offered to call in to order the pizza for them. How kind. To be honest, he wasn't really listening until you said something that caught his attention.

"Yes, thank you. and my husband would like-"

- internally screaming but tries to play it cool
- if there's anyone who's gonna make you regret even opening your mouth it's this mf
- cocky bitch, but is polite enough (I guess) to wait until you're off the phone to say anything
- OBVIOUSLY now he's gonna call you wifey
- "HUSBAND? I mean, Husband, huh? I knew you liked me, but not THAT much~" STFU
- def laid awake that night thinking about it tho
- is never going to let you forget this
- "please, allow your husband."

- externally screaming
- you got him running laps 🏃‍♀️
- considered getting down on one knee right there 💍
- Immediately is all over you; peppering your face with kisses, his arms wrapped around you
- he is squeezing the life out of you he was so happy to hear you say
- you cannot tell me he isn't 100% convinced you'll be together for the rest of your lives anyways
- but to hear you say it like that??? he just finds you so precious
- " y/n you're so cute!" "Michael hold on! I'm still on the phone-"

- took him a minute to process
- wait him??? your HUSBAND???
- I mean...he didn't mind that sound of that.
- man is already thinking of his vows 👰‍♂️
- is surprised for a moment, but just lets himself be happy. he is a bit embarrassed tho
- daydreams your wedding now
- might accidentally call you his wife now too 🧍‍♀️
- "guys, remember my wife said in- I MEAN, Y/N. Y/N SAID- I MEANT Y/N-"
- Leo is rolling on the floor laughing
- Mikey is your flower girl

- almost snaps his neck to whip around and look at you
- Flabbergasted and also a little afraid
- Honestly hoping he heard you wrong; That's a big commitment
- Don't get me wrong; it's not that he isn't committed he just doesn't know how to feel about MARRIAGE
- probably had to excuse himself for a moment to really process
- would try to go on normally like it never happened, but it's definitely burned into the back of his mind for a long time after that

rottmnt x reader (oneshots, preferences, headcanons) Where stories live. Discover now