i wish you would (donnie x reader)

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(romantic or platonic, angst -> fluff, gn reader)

You hit the ground, the sword you'd swiped from a foot clan soldier landing beside you with a clink. The origami soldiers turning to confetti in front of you.

You just sat there for a moment as your heart raced, and yours wasn't the only one.

"Y/N!" A familiar voice called from you behind you and you felt a three-fingered hand grab your arm to help you up. "Are you ok? Are you hurt?"

You stood, turning to face Donatello while you brushed yourself off. "Yeah...yeah, I'm fine. Just a little shaken."

Donnie looked all over you, checking for any injuries no matter how minor. A sigh of relief escaped as he let go of your arm.

"What could you have possibly been thinking?! That was totally irresponsible, Y/N!"

You blinked at him, visibly confused. "What? Donnie, those soldiers were headed straight for you guys. You didn't even see them, I had to do something!"

"That is not an excuse, you idiot!" He yelled. He actually raised his voice at you. "I mean, seriously! Do you have any idea how much danger you put yourself in!"

Raph, Leo, and Mikey couldn't do anything but watch the scene in front of them stunned. Sure, they'd heard their brother get angry and yell before, but never at you.

"I don't understand why you're yelling at me right now. I didn't do anything wrong and I'm perfectly fine! I think I can handle myself against some paper." You defended yourself, your own anger building. Why was he talking to you like this?

"Woah, woah, woah- Let's just all calm down, ok? To be honest, Y/N, I thought that was pretty badass-" Leo spoke up in your defense. I mean, why wouldn't he? You didn't even have a scratch on you!

"Shut up, Leo!" Donnie glared at his twin.

"Donnie, you need to chill." Raph placed a hand on his brothers shoulder.

"Yeah, Y/N is fine, aren't you?" Mikey responded. All but Donnie were on your side.

"Yes! Thank you!" You groaned. You just couldn't understand why he was being like this.

"Fine." Donnie's eyes narrowed at you and he crossed his arms. He spoke to you through his clenched jaw, "but we're not speaking until you can admit that you were wrong."

Wrong about what?

"Fine." You glared back, crossing your own arms.

Mikey, Raph, and Leo all shared a nervous, unsure look.

"Leo, portal Y/N home." Raph ordered, motioning towards you.

"Alright, but if they end up in Jersey that's on your conscience." Leo shrugged, slinging his sword until a large, blue portal opened in front of you.

"I'll try to talk to him, ok?" Mikey whispered and gave you a reassuring smile, patting you on the back. You just nodded, stepping into the portal.

You landed on your bed at home, watching the blue light fade. You curled up on your side, hugging your knees to your chest.

Donnie had never yelled at you before. Annoyed? Yes, but not angry.

You didn't do anything wrong, right? You just wanted to protect them like they would do for you. You wanted to protect him. Why couldn't he just understand that? Did he really mean what he said, or was it just in the heat of the argument?
"He did WHAT?!" April's voice echoed off the walls of your bedroom in disbelief. You had called to tell her about you and Donnie's fight. You just couldn't understand why he was so mad at you when you just wanted to help him like he and his family would do for you. He even shouted at you. You knew it was late, and you were grateful that she picked up.

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