s/o who's afraid of needles

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You had gotten injured on a mission and had a pretty nasty, deep cut on your thigh.

Not to worry, Donnie's first-aid in on the way. So there you were as Donnie observed the cut through his goggles.

"Yeah, that's gonna need stitches..."

Your stomach dropped, your horror evident as you squeezed your boyfriends hand. "Stitches?...with, like, a needle? No way!"


"What? Are you scared?~" Leo teased (fucking idiot), laughing a little bit.

"No! I am-" Your stomach flipped and your breathing hitched as Donnie pulled out a special needle and thread from his kit, images of it piercing your skin filled your mind. "Oh god...I can't do it."

"Relax! You're in good hands!"You looked up at Leo horrified at his words, before both turning to look at Donnie. "Hey! I'll have you know-"

"Shhhhh! Y/N, really, you'll be fiiine just calm down bro!" Leo patted your back. Obviously, this was not helpful. First of all, being told to calm down NEVER soothes anybody, and second he called you 'bro.'

"Mm-mm. No! No way! Look, it's-" you hissed in pain as you gripped your leg to cover your wound, "...fine."

"Not really, Y/N..." Donnie sighed, threading the needle.

"Yeah! What if it gets infected and we have to like, amputate your leg?" You knew Leo was trying to help, but he really wasn't. Why the hell would he say that anyway? (fucking idiot)

"No, please! I can't!" You squirmed trying to get up, desperate.

Leo lightly grabbed your shoulders, trying to gently lay you down on the table, "Relaaaax. I know you're scared, but I'll be right here the whole time, I swear. Besides, I'm sure Donnie is gonna numb it or whatever, right?"

Your breathing picked up, tears pricking your eyes. "No! Stop." Leo grabbed your hand again, squeezing it. "Come on, Donnie, isn't there anything else you can do?"

Donatello sighed, rubbing his temple. " I suppose...we could try to just patch it up with some gauze, but I'm not sure it-"

"Great! Then bust out the gauze." Leo rubbed the back of your hand with his thumb.

He didn't really show it, but he was worried. He hated seeing you so distressed because he didn't really know what to do.


"Why not?" Raph looked at Donnie and then down at you, he didn't really understand.

" I just can't, Raph, please." You squeezed his hand tightly, your chest was tight and your face went pale at even the thought of having a needle in your arm.

"He has to Y/N, you're hurt. Tell em', Donnie." Raph nudged Donnie and he sighed, a little frustrated.

"Well, Y/N...it could get infected if you  
don't-" Donnie began to thread the needle.

You began to squirm, trying to get up but Raph gently squeezed your shoulder with his free hand to keep you down, his face wrinkling in concern. "No! I-...I can't! Stop, please!"

"It's ok, Y/N. Raph's right here, no one's gonna make you." Raph couldn't stand to see you so afraid. "Donnie, can't you just like, put a band-aid on it?"

To which his younger brother raised an eyebrow, a little annoyed, "No, Raphael, I can't just 'slap a band-aid on it.' ...but I could patch it up with some gauze and medical tape."

"Awesome! See, Y/N, you have nothing to be afraid of." Raph smiled down at you, trying to be reassuring. He didn't completely understand, but he did know he wasn't going to just let you be distraught if there was another solution.


"Don't worry, Donnie'll take care of you. He's the best in the business, baby!" Mikey beamed, not realizing what you meant. Donnie smirked at his brothers compliment, nodding a small 'mhm.'

"No! Really, it's ok! It'll, ah! Heal just fine.." You looked down at your leg, the stinging, throbbing pain still surging through it.

"Nuh uh! Come on, Y/N. You'll be fine!" Michael rubbed your back as Donnie dug through the first-aid kit and pulling out, in your opinion, a fairly sized needle and some through.

You felt terrified in that moment at the thought of being stitched up and having a needle pulled through your skin over and over. The color left your face, your adrenaline rushing."No! I said no! Mikey, please!"

Mikey frowned, feeling your terror with you. "Uh, Dee...maybe you should just patch them up with some bandage."

Donnie looked between both of you, before shaking his head, "Alright."

"Good! No needles. You're ok, Y/N. I'm right beside you." Mikey smiled in his usual optimistic way and he put his arm completely around you, but was definitely still saddened. He'd never seen you so frightened before, even when you were attacked to be put in this situation in the first place. He made a mental note of this event for future reference.


"Why not?" Donnie furrowed his brows, pushing up his goggles.

"Please. There has to be something else you can do." You looked at him pleadingly, and he narrowed his eyes, thinking for a second.

"...I don't know, Y/N it would be a lot safer to just do stitches. For example, it could get infected, or scar, or-" He began to thread the needle carefully, tying the end.

"No! Donnie, don't!" You thrashed around, trying to hastily get up, the pain in your leg worsening at the pressure.

"Y/N, hold still!" Donatello grabbed your arm gently to hold you from standing up. He didn't comprehend how deep your fear was. "I know it's scary, just hold on-"

"No! Stop! Get it away from me, I can't!" You struggled, kicking your feet. Tears formed in your eyes, your breathing quickening.

Donnie pulled back, dropping the needle back into the kit. He wasn't expecting that reaction, his eyes softening into concern as he finally realized your genuine terror.

He sighed, a little frustrated but trying to be understanding, "Ok. Alright, how about just some bandage and gauze? Is that ok?"

You nodded, still a little anxious as your hands shook slightly. "Sorry, Donnie..."

"Don't apologize." He gently and carefully wrapped the bandage around your leg. He definitely didn't show it properly, but he did feel bad. He didn't mean to scare you and if he had known, he wouldn't have even suggested it. It bothered him to hear how genuinely afraid you were. He would just have to remember for next time, but hopefully there wouldn't be a next time.

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