little sister hcs

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(PURELY PLATONIC AND FAMILIAL, fluff, sister! fem! reader)

- Splinter is such a girl dad and always wanted a daughter. you cannot convince me otherwise.
- You best believe if you were to ever start dating someone ALL of them are interrogating your partner. All of em: the boys, Splinter, and April.
- You absolutely have special privileges w/ Splinter. like he is letting you get away with things your brothers don't and giving you almost anything you ask for
- ^ bc're just a little girl. his little girl. his baby. LIKE COME ON NOW-
- he truly believes you could NEVER do anything wrong

- they are all hella protective over you but he is the MOST protective over you (he's the oldest, you're the youngest; it just makes sense, ok?)
- when training, he really holds back and goes easy on you even if he doesn't need to bc he wouldn't imagine hurting you in any way to him you are precious
- iffy about letting you go on missions and patrols even if you're absolutely ready
- ^ it's not that he doesn't believe in you, he's just worried about what could happen
- Carries you :D
- Lectures you but just because he cares and he makes sure you know that he isn't trying to be mean
- Yells at Leo for messing with you
- Anytime you're in battle, he tries his best to keep you behind him if he can
- Heaven forbid you like Ms.Cuddles show
- He absolutely cannot say no to you like it just physically pains him
- Since Raph's the oldest, he TRIES (key word TRIES) to handle all the important *cough* talks (puberty, s3x, all that fun growing up stuff) but he struggles 😭😭😭 ends up asking April or Donnie to handle it (but shouldn't Splinter really be handling that???)
- dotes on you like you're the cutest thing he's ever seen
- reminds you all the time that he's proud of you

- he tries SO hard to be the "cool" brother
- will always claim and brag that he's your "favorite," regardless of its true or not
- teases the shit out of you all the damn time
- but he just picks on you bc he loves you
- (Almost) always has faith in you. he understands what it's like to feel like no one trusts you and he doesn't want you to feel that way
- Listens to all the drama and hot gossip and agrees w/ you on everything. If you're beefing with someone, SO IS HE.
- ^ that bitch Chloe who told you your shirt was ugly is 13. So what? He doesn't gaf they are BEEFING
- teaching you things he probably shouldn't be- NOT IN LIKE A WEIRD WAY, but like how to get away with shit and be sneaky and stuff
- there for you if you need a shoulder to cry on. might not be able to give the best advice depending on your problems, but he will hold you and let you cry if that's what you need
- calls you 'sis'
- not the best influence 😭
- If you confide in him secrets you haven't told your other brothers he is weeping tears of joy that you trust him like that
- also dotes on you
- if you're a human, he's (begrudgingly) driving you and picking you up from school. I mean, what kind of brother would he be if he let you walk the dangerous streets of NYC by yourself?
- fr though imagine your classmates faces when you pull up in that big ass turtle tank
- Regarding school, the best to go to for help with homework/schoolwork
- ^ and listen, he tries his best to be patient with you. that's all I'm gonna say 😭
- Donnie doesn't really treat you much differently than he treats your brothers, just a little bit more careful and EVER SO SLIGHTLY more patient with you
- will let you hang out in his lab while he works on something if you swear up and down on Splinter's life you will not break, touch, or LOOK at anything
- If you want an honest, unbiased opinion he's the brother to go to
- Ole Donatello is not the best at showing he really cares for you and loves you with words and actions, but just know he does and would never let anything happen to you
- Carries you on his back like he does with April
- Lectures you as well but just because he wants you to be safe and not do dumb shit (not as gentle as Raph tho)
- If Raph can't, he's the one protecting you and shielding you during missions
- actually the "cool" brother (Leo remains hella jealous)
- since you two are the youngest I could imagine you'd be pretty close
- always wants to try new things with you: snacks, video games, recipes, pretty much down for anything
- invites you to watch YouTube with him if you're bored
- If you're a turtle mutant like them, he'll ask to paint or add stickers to your shell and plastron
- cooks for you when you're hungry
- if you attend, he makes sure you always have an after school snack + packs your lunch
- if you're ok with it he is super affectionate with you
- Lets you vent anytime you need to about anything! He's always going to be there for you and is the most compassionate of your brothers.
- You, Leo, and him doing stupid tiktok challenges and trends at 2am
- Believes in you no matter what. So, so supportive of any dreams or goals that you have. :)
- hypes you up
- beware of Dr.Delicate Touch and Dr.Feelings
- reminds you often that it's ok to be emotional and vulnerable

- of course she's best friends w/ all of you but you guys have special sleepovers where it's just the two of you (which your brothers probably crash if they're bored)
- ^ obvi calls them "girls night"
- (Varies depending on your species(?)) the one to be the most helpful when you're body starts changing and you go through puberty because let's be real your brothers don't know shit (except Donnie MIGHT know a little bit)
- you can always trust her with secrets or just things you don't want your brothers to know, like you can talk to her about ANYTHING
- let's you complain and rant about the dumbass shit your brothers do ALL THE TIME (NOT IN A MEAN WAY I LOVE THEM I SWEAR 😭)
- ^ lmao she totally joins in and agrees w/ everything you say about them
- def let's you borrow from her if you want (accessories, clothes, jewelry)

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