C1: Not So Happy Campers

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The boat halted to a sudden stop, causing Y/N to nearly lose her balance.

"Do you know how to drive a boat?" she asked tentatively as she walked by. She was clutching her bag strap tightly, and averted her eyes as the driver glared in her direction.

Y/N bit her lip. As she looked around the dreary island, she was now 100% sure that auditioning for this game show was the worst decision she could've possibly made.

Chris McLean stood in front of the other contestants, and though all eyes were on her, only a few stood out. There was the blonde girl holding a surf board; a male wearing only a pink jacket; a girl with sleek, black hair and though she was attractive, was wearing a rather ugly look on her face; and a male who sported a green Mohawk and a black, spiked collar.

"And here's our show's kindred spirit, Y/N! How you holding up?" He asked, beaming his pearly white teeth as Y/N gave him a confused expression.

"I-good," she said lamely, and Chris chuckled.

"Might not look like much yet, but once you get to know her... oh, boy." He shuddered, and Y/N still looked blankly at him.

Y/N approached the other contestants, whose attention had now turned to Chris, except for the blonde girl.

She gave Y/N a kind smile, extending her hand. "It's nice to meet you, Y/N. I'm Bridgette."

Y/N suddenly felt rather calmed, all of her worries vanishing. She gave an awkward smile and shook Bridgette's hand.

"It's nice to meet you, too."

"Alright, first things first, we need a group photo for the promos. Everyone on the end of the dock!" He instructed, and everyone hastily followed, walking to the dock.

Chris McLean made his way to the boat.

"One, two, three."

Y/N put her most winning smile as she heard the camera make a distant snap.

"Forgot the lens cap," Chris said baldly.

Groans emerged from the group, and Y/N herself felt slightly annoyed at the host.

"Okay, hold that pose... One, tw-- Oh no, wait, cards full. Hang on."

"Come on, man!" exclaimed a girl, who rolled her eyes. "My face is starting to freeze."

"Got it!" Chris yelled after some moments. "Okay, everyone say "Wawanakwa!""

"Wawanakwa!" chirped the group. Suddenly, a crack was heard, and Y/N felt the gravity pull her down as the dock broke. She fell into the water with a splash, and she emerged from the water, taking in big gulps of air and pushing the wet hair out of her face.

"Need help, doll?"

Y/N turned instinctively to the source of the voice and saw the male with the green Mohawk smirking slyly at her.

He was sitting comfortably on the grass, his one arm resting on his leg, and his hand caressing his cheek.
What did he mean by 'doll'?

"No," said Y/N shortly.

"Hah, playing hard to get, princess?"

Y/N flushed at once. "I'm-"

"She's fine," Bridgette said firmly, who was equally as wet. Her blonde ponytail was dripping water. The male's grin faded into a grimace, and he looked away, letting out a small 'tsk'.

"You might want to stay away from... what was his name? Duncan?" she asked, eyeing him as she offered her hand to Y/N. The girl chuckled and took it gratefully, clambering out of the water.

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