C3: Dodge Brawl

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The two teams sat in the dining hall, the Killer Bass having no energy to eat. Y/N slept soundly, her snores falling into rhythm with the other sleeping contestants. She was resting her head on her arms, not even worried about drooling or how she might look; she just wanted more sleep.

"Duncan," Chris said, grinning. Duncan looked up, glaring. "You look like dead, dude."

"Stick it," said Duncan menacingly, moving his head away from Chris' direction and falling back to sleep.

"Harold snored... all night," Courtney grumbled.

"Wow, four nights with no sleep?" Chris grinned, and Y/N looked up, scowling. "How much are you hurting?"

"You want to find out?"

"Wouldn't you like to know?"

Duncan and Y/N reflexively turned to each other, both about to stand. They had spoken at the same time.

"No, no," smiled Chris, though he was holding his hands defensively. "It's cool. It's cool."

Y/N slowly sat back down, her tired eyes still scowling at Chris.

"Well, don't we think similarly?" Duncan said, a ghost of a grin showing.

"Zip it," snapped Y/N.

"Woah. Feisty," Duncan said, holding his hands up.

"You know, he's right about one thing," Y/N said, completely changing the subject. "You do look dead."

"Thank you," Chris said appreciatively, clicking his fingers.

"As if you look any better. Don't worry, though. To me, you're beautiful with or without sleep."

"Uh, What's happening?"  Geoff asked, looking confused.

"What's happening?" Y/N questioned.

"Why are you two acting all friendly?" He explained, pointing at the girl and Duncan alternatively.

Bridgette gasped. "Are you two-?"

"No!" Y/N cut her off, horror in her face as she realised. "No. No way."

"She's in denial," Duncan piped in.

"Shut it," Y/N told him, scowling. "He's lying," she added to a shocked Bridgette.

Hearing footsteps, Y/N turned her direction to the door. Harold appeared at the doorway, shuffling in the hall with a tired look on his face.

Sniggers echoed across the hall, and Y/N, though not finding it highly amusing, allowed herself a smile. Harold had a drawn on mustache.

Suddenly, he started walking with more confidence and gusto, as though he had mistook the laughter for praise.

"Okay, what?" He said finally.

"Someone messed with your face, dude!" sniggered Geoff.

Y/N chuckled with the others. It wasn't funny, but the tiredness had gotten over her. Everything seemed funnier now.

Harold picked up a stray spoon and stared at his reflection. "Hey, sweet 'Stache," he said approvingly.

"Hey, everyone!" Chris exclaimed, gaining everyone's attention. "It's Gwen!"

Y/N turned back to the doorway and saw the unmistakable Gwen, her eye bags so evident it looked fake.

She felt sympathy run through her body. Surely, Y/N's tiredness was nothing compared to Gwen's, who could barely walk around.

"I'm so tired," she said slowly. "I can't feel my face."

Suddenly, she collapsed, her face resting (uncomfortably, by the looks of it) on the table. Y/N turned to Duncan, who was sleeping once again. Her exhaustion was nothing compared to these two.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2023 ⏰

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