A Short Scene

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Y/N yawned widely, tears forming. She rubbed her eyes tiredly.

Everything seemed so hazy. It was as though Y/N's mind had shut down, as though it thought there was no need to function after the elimination ceremony.

Y/N needed a week worth of sleep before she could face the next challenge.


"Says you," Y/N sneered, matching her pace to his. "Who falls asleep in the bathroom?"

"Hey, I lasted longer than you," Duncan said, smirking.

They walked in silence, the crunch of the ground ringing through Y/N's ears.

"You don't seem scary anymore," Y/N said, vaguely.
"What do you mean?" asked Duncan.

"You seem... softer," Y/N explained, slurring her words. "Like you're not trying to play that bad boy angle anymore. I feel more comfortable around you."

Suddenly, she tripped on a pebble that Y/N was sure hadn't been there before. She braced herself for the rough landing, but someone's hand had grabbed her arm just in time.

Duncan pulled her back on her legs. It wobbled dangerously, as though suddenly made out of jello, and she lost her balance once again.

"I'm sorry," Y/N said, slightly flustered. "I'm not functioning right today."

"Uh-huh, I can see that," Duncan remarked, a smirk playing on his lips, staring at Y/N's hands, which were placed supportively on his chest.

His chest! Y/N's eyes widened in shock and she took them away, holding them up in the air. 

"I'm going to bed," Y/N huffed. She stomped off, getting even more embarrassed by the sounds of Duncan's soft chuckles.

From humiliation, she felt irritation take place. It wouldn't have been a big deal if he hadn't reacted that way! She wanted to rip that stupid grin he always wears off his face and replace it with the kind, genuine one she had seen during the challenge.

Maybe that wasn't really him, thought Y/N. Maybe he was so tired that it had changed his personality.

Yes. That's it. He's not kind, or genuine, or caring, as Y/N had thought. All he is is a juvenile delinquent.

She arrived at the cabin, greeted by the peaceful snores of her roommates. Bridgette laid, sleeping soundly.

Comforted by her resolve, she laid on her bed, ready to drift off into a relaxing sleep.

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