The New Prophecy

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Warrior Cats Human Headcannons

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- Leafpool and Squirrelflight are twins. Squirrelflight is a daddy's girl and Leafpool is a mommy's girl. Sandstorm and Firestar were so proud when Leafpool said she wanted to be a medicine person. Squirrelflight had rolled her eyes while having a gazillion twigs and leaves in her hair.

- Squirrelflight was that hyperactive little kid you could never take your eyes off of or else she'd kill herself. Loved giving Firestar heart attacks and gave Sandstorm her first grey hairs. Leafpool was an angel sent from Starclan.

- Squirrelflight was 17 when she ran away to go on the journey. Brambleclaw had just become 19, Tawneypelt was 19, Crowfeather was 17, and Feathertail and Stormfur were 18.

- All of them have the friendship of the Breakfast Club - you wouldn't expect it, but they have that bond for life.

- Brambleclaw was Squirrelflight's first kiss. It was in the heat of the moment where Brambleclaw had nearly died, and it was like fireworks had gone off.

- Everyone was heartbroken when Feathertail was killed. Stormfur lost his sister. Crowfeather lost his first love. Tawneypelt, Brambleclaw, and Squirrelflight lost a friend.

- Leafpool and Crowfeather began growing close on the journey to the lake. She wanted to get closer to him out of sympathy, he resisted (naturally), but soon he was opening up to her. He would tell her his deepest feelings and she would confess things she hadn't even told her own sister. By the time they reached the lake, Leafpool realized she had feelings for him and Crowfeather was already in denial.

- Squirrelflight had no idea what Leafpool saw in Crowfeather, but they brought out something beautiful in each of them. Feathertail had softened Crowfeather's heart, but Leafpool opened it. And Leafpool ... Squirrelflight didn't know what Crowfeather did, but she saw something new in her sister that made her heart swell and ache.

-  Squirrelflight and Brambleclaw decided they didn't want to get married. Leafpool had just rejoined the clan after running away, and was considered a disgrace to the clan. Having her sister get married right after was ... Squirrelflight didn't want to go there. Instead, she and Brambleclaw got matching tattoos.

-  When Leafpool found out she was pregnant, her whole world came crashing down. The clan was finally starting to trust her again, Firestar and Sandstorm had stopped looking at her with pitying looks, and the clan had stopped looking suspicious when she said she was going to collect herbs.

- Squirrelflight immediately sensed something wrong and got the truth out of Leafpool. She offered to help and told Firestar that they would be gone on a journey because Leafpool had a vision. They both hesitated at the idea of telling Crowfeather, but ultimately went to the Windclan border to see him. Leafpool was heartbroken and Squirrelflight was outraged when they found out that he was with Nightcloud.


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