Omen of the Stars

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Warrior Cats Human Headcannons

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-  Dovewing and Ivypool are twins and the younger cousins of Lionblaze, Hollyleaf, and Jayfeather (idk, maybe 2nd cousins or something). Lionblaze and Dovewing are best friends, Ivypool is Hollyleaf's favorite cousin, and Jayfeather, well ... it's been 0 days since they last sassed Jayfeather.

-  They are heartbroken when they find out Hollyleaf is "dead" because they were just about to become apprentices and Hollyleaf promised to be there.

-  Dovewing has always had enhanced hearing, so she always assumed that everyone can hear what she did but never talked about it. When she was younger, she would talk about faraway things she'd heard but everyone thought she was just imagining.

-  Dovewing doesn't get overwhelmed by the noises she can hear because she's had her powers since she was born. She's learned how to tune it out/in. However, she hates loud noises. They take her by surprise and makes her feel like her eardrums split open.

-  When that happens she sometimes goes to Jayfeather to help her out. He has a calming presence and the quiet and gentle brushes of herbs soothe her. He doesn't say anything and neither does she. There's no need.

-  Part of the reason that Ivypool became so jealous of Dovewing was that all of the sudden her cousins would have secret discussions with Dovewing and exclude her. Hollyleaf would never have done that if she was still alive.

- Ivypool used to have hair past her shoulders, but had it cut in a pixie style after a Dark Forest warrior pulled on it to expose her throat. After the Clans defeated the Dark Forest, she grew it out to her chin as a sign of healing and moving on.

- After they became warriors, Dovewing, Ivypool, Briarlight, and Blossomfall became roommates. After Briarlight's accident she moved in with Jayfeather, but sometimes she comes in to have a girls night.

- Briarlight and Jayfeather are opposites but compliment each other in the best way. She is bright and happy and he's calm and collected. Jayfeather is a pessimist and she's an optimist.

- All of the medicine people from the Clans always ask about Briarlight, she has them wrapped around her finger. They always sneak extra sweets for her whenever they visit Jayfeather.

- Briarlight considered it a personal win when she finally got Jayfeather admit that they were friends. Jayfeather was overwhelmed by the swell of happiness that radiated from her the rest of the day.

- They have a saying that they use when no one is around. Whenever one of them is having a bad day, they go and cheer each other up by saying, "I'll be your legs." "And I'll be your eyes." They help each other and its beautiful.

- Briarlight used to love singing and dancing when she had her legs, so when she lost them she was depressed. After Jayfeather helped her out of it, she began humming and singing again.

- The first time Jayfeather heard her sing his head whipped around because it was the most beautiful sound he's ever heard. And for the first time in forever, Briarlight was happy as she restocked herbs while singing.

- Jayfeather grumbles about the noise but still encourages her to sing because it'll help clear her lungs. Secretly, he likes hearing her voice. Briarlight knows he likes it.

- Jayfeather has too much pride to actually confess his feelings and Briarlight is afraid to ruin their relationship. Both are so awkward with their feeling but they don't even realize they act like a couple until Lionblaze or Dovewing points it out. Sometimes when Leafpool watches them she's reminded of her and Crowfeather.

Warrior Cats Human AU Where stories live. Discover now