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Doctor Calvin Davidson,

When it comes time for your return to the facility, your ward, Sean Rose, will accompany you. We have new information regarding his childhood friend, "Luke", and the men who adopted him that he best hear in person.

Elijah Hall

That bastard. He could've at least put a 'sincerely' at the end. And what was all this about not using my son's surname and calling him my 'ward'? It was almost like Sofiel didn't consider me his parent. And what about this new information regarding Luke? Sean was our only source of information on him.

I slipped into the EW Federation database, quickly finding the file that held the persons of interest. They were all labeled with initials: J.X.-1 and -2, T.J.F., S.R.D. ‒ Sean's person of interest file, before he sprouted wings ‒ and, most importantly, a singular file titled S.R.D.'s "Luke". I opened it.

Luke Alexander, assumed pronouns of he/him since he's biologically male, likely aged approximately 17 years, a Caucasian angel from Heaven. Most of his file was filled with 'unknown's. Under the skills/degrees section, it mentioned his golden crescent necklace and his enjoyment of climbing trees.

At the very end of the history segment, there was a line that made a shiver run up my spine: It has been confirmed that one of the three men who took him away from the orphanage is the twin brother of The Queen (see: I.A. or T.J.F.).

I stared at the line for a long time. Isaiah took Luke away from the orphanage? And Isaiah had a person of interest file, here, in the EW Federation database? No, it made sense that Isaiah would help a gay couple adopt Luke, if that's what really happened; he was the king, after all, he could definitely pull some strings.

I exited out of the file and found the one labeled 'I.A.'. My hands were shaky as it loaded before my eyes.

Angel, Isaiah. Male, he/him. Possibly Egyptian; well, that was bullshit.

I frowned at the realization that the directors likely didn't know that Queen Sofiel was the ruler of Heaven. They didn't know she was an angel, just that she was immortal. What was the purpose of that? Some form of power play? But what would she get out of people believing she and her brother were just a pair of Egyptian immortals?

I scrolled down to the history section, struggling to breathe as I read the words.

According to The Queen, Isaiah is a possible psychopath and pedophile (as stated by The Queen: "an affection for younger males"), and has been under intense supervision and surveillance most of his life.

No wonder he had been struggling to get away.

Then I saw the next line, and it became a bit easier to breathe. As of January, 20XX, he has escaped the home he shared with The Queen and has disappeared.

Isaiah had escaped just a few months ago, and that was what was important right now. The next line spoke of a 14-year-old boy that he had likely taken, by the name of Tylor Frost. T.J.F.. Tylor Frost just happened to be the son of one of Sofiel's guards, a paladin I had seen only a few fleeting times by the name of David Frost.

"So apparently Heaven has paladins, that's cool," I muttered, taking a breath from my inhaler to counteract the setting panic.

I exited Isaiah's file and found Tylor's. Tylor Jackson Frost, age 14, son of David and Elizabeth Frost. Rather intelligent young man who always carried a plush pink bunny. Assumed to be kidnapped by Isaiah Angel in order to sate his apparent desire for young males. A desire I found extremely unlikely to exist; why would Lucifer and many others want him to succeed if he was a psychopathic pedophile? Besides, this information came from Queen Sofiel, and I was far from trusting anything that came from her.

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