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Hey guys, so it looks like we are going to be waiting a while for the first episode to come out and I need that episode to get started. On the bright side, I was on the stream when I saw Lackadaisy reach a little over 2 million dollars, so we can also get Blu-Ray when season 1 is finished.

I just wanted to do this to show that I have not forgotten I wanted to do this book, but it looks like it's going to be released in 2024 as far as I know. Animation takes a while and even longer for a small team for an indie project.

In the meantime, let's go over a few things I will post on here from time to time. (I will delete these chapters when the book starts). I'll start with a few questions.

1. Who would be your favorite Yandere? (No gender bend)

2. How would you picture this yandere in the book so far? (There are also comics on the Lackadaisy website to help you get a better picture)

3. What is the most creative kill you can come up with for this book?

4. What do you want the reader to be out of Shy, Abused, Oblivious, Playful, or Cunning (for a child)? (You can even combine some)

5. Do you prefer Pancakes, Waffles, or French Toast?

6. Come up with a line for a Yandere and include their name.

7. Pick one weakness you would rather have. 

A. Shorter than average height for your age. (strength and speed will apply)

B. Impatience. (Even if you chose cunning, you are not as patient as some plans will require)

Have fun answering and before you ask... No powers, you will be human, and maybe, just maybe... you will have something from your old world before you are frozen. (like a handheld game console or something)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2023 ⏰

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Little Daisy (Yandere Lackadaisy Girls x Child Reader) (Coming Soon)Where stories live. Discover now