Little Little Lies

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A couple days had passed since Chucky killed that detective and Me, Lexy, Devon and Jake went back to the hospital to get Chucky from Caroline "ok Stay here I'll get Chucky" Lexy said to Me, Jake and Devon.

After she left we all sat there silently until Devon spoke"Hey uh Daniel can I ask you something?" He said to me "yeah what's up?" I said back to him.

"You don't have to answer but your sister's boyfriend died mysteriously right" Devon Said to me "Uh yeah I heard it was car accident" I said back to him and Devon had a puzzled look on his face.

"What's wrong Devon?" Jake asked him "nothing it's just what if it wasn't an accident" Devon said back "you think Chucky killed My sisters boyfriend?" I said to Devon questioning him "I don't know but that wasn't the only accident to happen in the past few weeks I mean people starting dying when Chucky showed up" Devon said to me.

I was about to say something but Lexy came back empty handed "Follow me" she said to us and we walked with her "This way" she then said and went downstairs to the trash area when we got there there was an incinerator and a big trash area for used syringes.

"What are the chances he burned to death?" Lexy said to all of us And Jake just gave her a look "Okay" Lexy said then said and we started walking around to see if we could find Chucky we then looked in the big bin full of syringes "Uh‐uh No way, this is disgusting" Lexy said out loud.

"We have to be sure" Jake then said to Lexy "I don't know what's worse stabbed with a butcher knife or a used needle" Devon then spoke up "I'll say both" I then say to Devon while looking at the needles.

"I'll do it. It's my mess" Jake said to all of us "We're in this together" Lexy said to Jake "Together" Devon said after Lexy "That's what I said" Lexy said to Devon.

"Maybe we‐‐you know" Jake said suggesting we should dig in the needles to find him "we could wait for him to come for us He Can't stay down there forever" Devon said to us "He can't?" Lexy questioned Devon "What exactly are the rules for supernaturally possessed dolls?" Lexy then said to Devon.

"Hey, guys, I have an idea" Jake said to us and he grabbed a big broom and a pair of gloves "I'll get him out Lexy you dig" Jake said throwing gloves at Lexy "Devon, Daniel you keep watch" Jake said to us.

"Uh-uh. No, absolutely not There's like seven diseases down there" Lexy said to Jake "Did you not just say together?" Jake said to Lexy "it's Fine I'll do it" I said while grabbing the gloves from Lexy "Ready to take him down if he jumps out?" Devon said to Lexy.Lexy then looked nervous and looked back at me.

"Ugh, fine" Lexy said while grabbing the gloves from me and put them on. Jake then grabbed a bucket and stood on top of it "ok follow my lead" Jake said to Lexy Jake then got his broom ready then counted down from three "Go!" Jake screamed.

Jake was stabbing his broom stick in the needles while Lexy was digging around and they was doing this for probably ten seconds before Jake slipped off the bucket but Devon caught him just in time Lexy then got down and shook her gloves off "Ugh, so gross!" Lexy then said.

After Jake and Lexy sprayed themselves with disinfectant we left the hospital after not finding chucky but we all kept in touch just in case.

Three days Later Me, Devon, Jake, and Lexy was all sitting in miss Fairchild class and I was sitting by Jake "A few days ago, you were
probably feeling shock, denial That's normal.
All of this is so much to take in At this point, you might be feeling pain and guilt That's still normal Your feelings are valid and expected" she said to all of us.

I looked at Jake and Lexy and both of them seemed stressed and nervous and I looked back at Devon and he had his head down "Everyone will heal at their own speed, and if you need anyone to talk to, please know my door is
always open to you guys. I, know, probably think I'm just the biology teacher, but feelings do start on the molecular level. Okay, let's pick back up where we left off Chapter three:Biotic and Abiotic Factors"

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