Chapter 1: Back Home

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Tobio looked out of the pitch-black window, all he could see were the bright towering buildings. They were small from the view of the airplane but Tobio knew better than to judge. Just higher from the buildings, there were a few stars in the sky, they had an angelic feeling.

He hated this feeling. The words angelic, divine, ethereal, heavenly anything that connects to fate His whole life he was told to always trust Fate, that the universe would never want to hurt him. As a kid, he believed the bullshit lies his teachers and relatives gave about the gift from the Gods, but now as he sits in the dark he can't help but think of Fate.

Fate is cruel.

When the Soulmate marks began showing up in the late 1900s it caused an uproar to the entire world. 99% of the population woke up one day to find a black tattoo of all shapes emerged on their skin. Scientists spend countless days uncovering the truth about these tattoos but they found nothing. It wasn't until society discovered individuals would have the same mark as another person or have a burning feeling when touching one's hand. The announcement of Soulmates made its way to the public, and people began worshiping the Gods for this pure gift.

Married couples who didn't have the same mark would divorce and find their destined partners, the same for anyone else whose marks didn't match. For a few years, there was nothing but chaos, families would break apart, and children would get abandoned. At the time nothing mattered more than being with your soulmate, and once that was accomplished your life would be perfect just like a fairytale!

As years went by it was expected that you would marry your soulmate and live a wonderful life with them. But some people chose to fall in love and the 1% of people who would never receive a Soulmate mark. They were constantly shamed by anyone for not receiving the gift of the Gods. It was a blessing to receive them and if you didn't have one or chose to not be with your soulmate you were not worthy in the God's eyes.

"Tobio," a raspy exhausted voice interrupted his thoughts. His blue eyes look away from the window and instead focus on the boy laying next to him. The boy grumbled about how late it was but didn't hesitate to sit up. "Why are you still awake?" There was concern in his voice, the gray eyes stare at him patiently waiting for an answer.

"I don't know," Tobio began in a quiet voice. He did know why he couldn't sleep even an idiot could figure out why. He never wanted to return to Miyagi, if only his parents didn't request for him to return home to finish High school, he would have kept living his life with the gray-eyed boy. "I'm not afraid to be back or to see them but... it feels unreal. Miyagi no longer feels like home."

This was true, for the past two years, Tobio has been living in California. He remembers the day like yesterday, saying goodbye to his family, ensuring them that this is the life he wants and that California will be good for him. He couldn't bear living in Miyagi anymore, having to wake up every day and see them be lovey-dovey in practice, no it wasn't what he wanted. Tobio could have declined his mother's wishes on accepting the proposal but he didn't care anymore. It was his ticket for a fresh start and a way to fix the damage.

"Is that so?" A small smile appeared on his face, his gray eyes became warmer with a bit of mischief in them.

"Yeah," Tobio said. "I can't explain why but I am a bit excited to show you my childhood town," Tobio sheepishly grinned.

The gray-eyed boy looked at him with such affection. Tobio couldn't help but notice how warm they looked whenever he was happy. It made him turn into a crimson mess but it was worth it. He never has felt such happiness.

That day when he held his tears while listening to them rejecting the bond. Walking home without caring if a car hit him and ended his pain. Tobio only broke down once he heard his mom welcoming him back home. He felt his father's arm wrap him in a hug while his mom ran her fingers through his hair, trying her best to calm down her sweet child.

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