Chapter 3:This Is Bullshit

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Lucas never made irrational decisions.

From a young age, Lucas knew he was to take over his Father's and Mother's company when he reached his adult years. This meant he had to act a certain way and learn the correct mindset of a prodigy. Lucas absorbed his parent's knowledge and became the ideal son.

His parents bragged to their friends about their perfect son. He was everything that they ever wished for. Lucas had astonishing looks, education, and beautiful manners! Lucas soon became a role model to others, giving off a charming vibe. For the longest time, he believed his life was perfect, he had everything and anything.

Except for his soulmate mark, it never appeared...

In a world, where soulmates were the purest and holiest gifts to receive, not having one meant you are not worthy of anything. The doctors couldn't explain after he turned seven why his soulmate mark never appeared, he was deemed to be the unfortunate 1%. His parents didn't want any insults, so they spent years looking for an arranged partner. At first, Lucas didn't understand why his parents were so determined, but as he grew up he understood.

Reputation is everything.

Lucas agreed when the marriage proposal from the Kageyamas came. He would never forget his mother's joyful cries and his father's tired eyes, relieved it was over. When Lucas met Tobio, it changed every part of his life. In the beginning, Lucas never imagined he could enjoy the company of another person so much but Tobio became his special one.

It took time, but they opened up to one another. They relied on each other and spent countless hours together. Whether it was Tobio helping Lucas with paperwork, going on late-night drives in his convertible, or simply cuddling on the couch.

He had found his beloved. Someone who loved him for who he was and not because fate said so. When he found out Tobio would be returning to Japan, Lucas convinced his parents to let him go as well. It was hard to convince his mom but she knew how protective her son was for the young boy and who was she to stop young love?


They entered the Gymnasium. It was a decent size with a humongous net in the middle. On the left side, there were two carts, one filled with volleyballs while the other was filled with towels. You could feel the cold breeze from the A.C. which Lucas found pleasant. He continued scanning throughout the gym when Kentaro suddenly spoke.

"Hey, I'm going to go change, you should go speak to Coach Nobuteru," Kentaro said.

Lucas turned to his brother-in-law, nodding his head. He watched Kentaro head to the locker room before he made his way to the office.

He could feel his stomach twist and turn. Usually, Lucas didn't get nervous at the thought of volleyball. He was beyond confident in his skill, hell even Tobio gave him compliments!

This would be his first time playing for a team, he couldn't help but feel anxious. These people would be his teammates, someone who would rely on him and he would too. A team bond was everything and Lucas indeed wouldn't fuck it up.

Lucas arrived in front of the office. He knocked on the door, hearing a man's voice reply.

"Come in."

He entered the room, and sitting behind a wooden desk was the man he assumed to be Coach Nobuteru. He had a neutral face and didn't have much of an expression. Lucas believed he was in his early or late 40s. Coach Nobuteru has black hair with gray eyes, he is wearing a turquoise tracksuit with white stripes.

Coach Nobuteru looked up from his paperwork, "Please take a seat," he waved his hand gesturing to the chair in front of him, with a smile.

Lucas sat down, excusing himself.

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