057: Flashbacks To That Night

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It had been two months since the Byers and El moved to Cali

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It had been two months since the Byers and El moved to Cali. Blakeley was still in a coma at the hospital. Since his first visit Steve had not gone a day without going and seeing Blakeley, sitting with her for hours and filling her in on what he and the group had done that day. Which is exactly where he was now, sitting beside her bed, holding her hand.
"Me and Robin had work again today. I'm still annoying her as usual. It's weird not having you there. The kids are fine, they came into the store again today to annoy me and Robin. Harper is slowly getting use to her powers. She still struggles but she's getting there. I'm trying to help her all that I can, but it's clear that she needs you. Your mom and Jonah are still together, there's still no word from your dad, which I'm sure you don't really care about anymore. Nancy is doing completely fine and is doing really well with the school newspaper. She has this partner called Fred. El, Will, Johnathan and Joyce have settled into Cali well. Still calling every sunday for any updates on you. We all really miss you, B. I don't know weather or not you can hear me... but if you can, I really need you to wake up. We all do. You promised me you would come back to me, you can't break that promise, Blake. You really can't. I love you, so so much. I honestly feel like I haven't been able to breath properly these past few months. So, please, please, please. Come back to me. To us." Steve rants, squeezing Blakeley's hand tighter and the end. Steve was looking down when he felt his hand being squeezed, causing his head to snap up. "B?"
"Steve?" Blakeley asks, slowly opening her eyes.
"Hey." Steve says, with a huge smile.
"Hey." Blakeley replies weakly.
"How are you feeling?" Steve asks.
"Tired. My stomach feels like it's on fire, but other then that I feel okay." Blakeley answers.
"That's good. I mean it's not good you're tired and stomach feels like it's on fire. But it's good you feel okay besides that." Steve says.
"Are you okay?" Blakeley asks him.
"Just happy you're awake now." Steve tells her.
"How... how long have I been out?" Blakeley asks.
"5 months." Steve says.
"Oh..." Blakeley says, looking away from Steve and down at her lap.
"But hey..." Steve says placing a hand on her cheek turning her head to look at him, as he strokes her cheek with his thumb. "You're okay, now. You're awake. And yes it may take a little while to get fully better but you will get there and I will be there with you every step of the way."
"I love you." Blakeley tells him.
"I love you to." Steve replies, before gently kissing her.


It had been a month since Blakeley had woken up, she was still in hospital but would be able to leave in a week.
Blakeley was reading a book when there was a knock on the door.
"Come in." Blakeley says, placing the book on the bedside table. Blakeley sits up and adjusts the pillow as Steve, Harper and Robin walk in. "Hey guys."
"Hey. How are you feeling?" Robin asks.
"A lot better. I'm ready to get out of here." Blakeley says.
"Hold your horses, sis. You've still got a week." Harper says, causing Blakeley to laugh lightly.
"I know, I know." Blakeley says, as the three of them sit next to her bed. "So, tell me what you guys have been up to?"
"Just work and school." Robin says.
"Shit, I was meant to start college last week." Blakeley says.
"Hey, don't worry. The school's aware of what's happened, well, not what actually happened but they are aware you have been in hospital and have said you take all the time you need and you will be welcome with open arms when you are ready to go." Steve tells her.
"Okay." Blakeley sighs.
Blakeley was happy to be getting better again. But a lot had changed over the past few months. And Blakeley wasn't sure if she was ready to face the changes.


The day Blakeley was able to go back home, Steve picked her up from the hospital and toke her home. He helped her settle in before her had to go to work.
"Hey." Blakeley says, walking into the living room where Harper, Kathrine and Jonah were sat.
"Hey, sweetie, you should be resting." Kathrine tells her daughter.
"Mom. I'm fine." Blakeley says. "The doctor cleared me to come home, they just said I have to take it careful. I've been laying in a bed for months now. I need to get up and walking. I came down to get a drink."
"Do you want to watch a film with us?" Harper asks.
"Obviously." Blakeley says, laughing. "Let me just go get my drink then I will be there."
Blakeley headed to the kitchen. She got a glass from the cupboard and went over to the sink. As she was stood at the sink she looked out the window, just as a firework went of in the sky. She freezes as she gets a flashback to the fight that nearly killed her. In fact it did kill her. Her heart stopped for 5 minutes on the way to the hospital.
"Blake, you okay?" Harper's voice asks, snapping Blakeley out her trance.
Blakeley looks down to see the glass on the floor smashed to pieces.
"Yeah, yeah. I'm... I'm fine. Just... yeah, I'm fine." Blakeley says, going to pick up the glass.
"You go sit with mom and Jonah, I'll clean this up and get you a drink." Harper tells her.
"Harps..." Blakeley starts.
"B, go sit down." Harper tells her.
Blakeley nods saying a quiet thank you before walking out of the kitchen.
Truth be told, Blakeley had been getting flashbacks nearly 3 times a day since she had woken up. She knew she should tell someone, but she didn't want to worry anyone, so kept it a secret.

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