077: Tick Tock

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The group had decided, that as Blakeley wasn't apart of the group that was going back to the upside down, the blonde would teach Nancy how to shoot a gun

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The group had decided, that as Blakeley wasn't apart of the group that was going back to the upside down, the blonde would teach Nancy how to shoot a gun. So when the group Arrived at War Zone, they two girls headed straight for the gun section. While they were trying to find the right gun for the job, Jason came up beside them.
"Blakeley Hayes and Nancy Wheeler." Jason says spotting the girls, pointing the gun he hand at them, not in a purposefully threatening way "wouldn't expect to find you two here."
"Yeah we'll, it's just... scary times." Blakeley says.
"We're... sorry about Chrissy." Nancy tells Jason, which he nods to in response.
"Want my advice?" Jason asks, starting to walk closer to the girls. "Shotguns aren't good for much of anything past killing small birds, I mean, they got power sure. But not much range, and that's just gonna force you into close range combat, then someone can just grab that barrel like this..." Jason grabs the gun Blakeley was holding. "And redirect it. You look nervous."
"Like I said... scary times." Blakeley says.
Jason nods before turning to Nancy.
"Now, your brother, he here with you by any chance?" Jason asks.
"Mike?" Nancy asks.
"Mike." Jason clarifies.
"No." Nancy says.
"I only ask because... he's in Hellfire isn't he?" Jason asks.
"I don't know what your talking about." Nancy says.
"What about his friends. They here with you?" Jason asks.
"Would you let go?" Blakeley asks, as Jason was still holding onto the gun. "Let go."
Jason let's go and leaves, before Nancy and Blakeley buy the gun then meet the others.

The group who had gone in rushed into the van where Eddie, Dustin and Lucas were waiting.
"What happened?" Lucas asks.
"We gotta go." Steve says.
"Your old friends are here." Erica tells her brother.
They all sit down before Steve drives off.


The group arrive at a open field before all getting off and going off to do their own things. Upon arriving Blakeley had decided to go for a walk to clear her head. The group, mainly Steve and Harper, made her promise to keep her headphones on and music playing the entire time, as well as stay in eye sight. While walking she toke her headphones off briefly. She looked around as she heard the clock ticking again,
"Blakeley." She hears Vecna's haunting voice. "It's time."
She doesn't see the clock, but, quickly puts her headphones back on and walks back to the group.
"Guys." Blakeley says, walking over to Steve, Nancy and Robin.
"Yeah, B?" Nancy asks.
"I need you guys to promise me something." Blakeley tells them. "I need you to promise me that if I don't make it out of this that you will make sure Harper will be okay. Make sure she is safe during the fight, and make sure she doesn't shut everyone out and doesn't go off the rails if I don't make it to the other side."
"B, what's bringing this on?" Steve asks.
"I just heard the stupid clock again, and I heard Vecna. He said 'It's time.' There's no way he's not coming after me again." Blakeley explains.
"Oh, B." Robin says hugging her.
"I'm okay. I just need you to promise me you guys will look after not only Harper but each other. Even after all of this. No matter how this ends." Blakeley says.
"We promise." Nancy says.
"And uhm..." Blakeley says, pulling some envelopes out of her bag. "After I noticed I was most likely cursed, before seeing the clock... I toke a page from Max's book and wrote everyone letters. All of you, Eddie, the kids, Harps, my mom, Jonah, my dad, Johnathan, Joyce and uhm... Hopper. I want to give these to you guys to look after, but also... don't give them out until after this is all over. I don't want to worry the kids anymore then they already are."
Nancy takes the letters. Blakeley then grabs the gun that was leaning against the side of the caravan telling the three of them that she was going to get it ready. Nancy looks at the other two before following her.

Blakeley had cut the end of the gun off and put down the saw before Harper hits her arm.
"What?" Blakeley asks, before Harper points to the top of a hill, were the two girls saw Jonah. "You gotta be kidding me."
"What?" Nancy asks.
"Nothing, nothing. We'll be right back." Harper says, as her and her older sister stand up.
"B, Harps. Were are you going?" Steve asks, as the two sisters walk away.
"We'll be back." Blakeley says.
"What are you doing here, J?" Harper asks, as the two girls reach Jonah.
"I've been worried sick about what's been going on with you guys, so I've been following you all day." Jonah says.
"What the hell is wrong with you?" Blakeley asks.
"What's wrong with me? What's wrong with you girls. I've been watching what you've been doing." Jonah says, gesturing to the group behind them. "Now... tell me... what the hell is going on?"
"Jonah... please. You have to leave." Harper tells him.
"Not until I know what's going on." Jonah says.
"We can't tell you." Blakeley says.
"You can but you won't." Jonah says.
Blakeley and Harper look at each other unsure of how they were going to get out of this.

While everyone was still off doing there own thing, Steve and Robin were sat by the caravan filling up alcohol bottles with gasoline.
"It just doesn't make sense." Steve says.
"What doesn't make sense?" Robin asks.
"Multiple things. One why the hell Vecna is going after Blakeley of all people." Steve says.
"Well, she has gone through a lot." Robin points out. Steve then goes on about someone who had returned a movie a week ago. "Steve."
"What?" Steve asks.
"I don't care. And I don't understand why you do either with everything that's going on." Robin tells him. "Honestly, this feels like a perfect time for that little pull of the rug because... in the face of the world ending, the stakes of my love life feels spectacularly low."
"Yeah, I mean, I get you there, but... I still have hope." Steve says, looking at Blakeley, who was still talking to Jonah.
"Not everything has a happy ending." Robin tells him.
"Yeah, yeah, believe me, I know." Steve says, looking at Blakeley again.
"I'm not talking about failed romance. I have this terrible, gnawling feeling that like... it might not work out for us this time." Robin says.
"You think we shouldn't be doing this?" Steve asks.
"I think we're mad fools, the lot of us, but... but if we don't stop him, who will?" Robin says, looking at everyone. Lucas and Erica were making spears, Eddie and Dustin were running around, Nancy was practising shooting the gun, while Max watched, and Blakeley and Harper were still talking to Jonah. "We have to try, right?"
"Yeah." Steve says. "To, killing Vecna."
"Slash Henry."
"Slash One."

Harper  comes up with a way to get out of the situation.
"I'm sorry, Jonah. I don't want to do this, but I have to." Harper says.
"Do what?" Jonah asks.
Without responding to Jonah, Harper uses her powers to throw him into his car.
"Go, go, go." Blakeley says, before the girls break into a run.
"Guys!" Harper shouts running over to the group. "We gotta go, we gotta go now!"
"Why, what's going on?" Steve asks, standing up, looking at the two girls confused as the others start to pack the stuff away.
"Harper just used her powers to throw Jonah into his car. He's trying to find out what's going on. We have to go before he gets here. If we don't we'll never get away." Blakeley explains.
"Shit." Dustin says.
The group get all the stuff in the caravan before, getting in themselves then Steve drives off, Jonah shouting after them.

The group pull up outside the Creels house. Blakeley goes over and gives her sister a hug.
"Don't do anything stupid, okay?" Blakeley says.
"I won't. As long as you promise me not to do anything stupid either." Harper says.
"I'll try not to." Blakeley says, causing them both to laugh.
"I love you." Harper says, hugging her sister again.
"I love you to." Blakeley says, kissing her sister's forehead.
She gives her a small smile before walking away.
While Max and Harper have a small conversation, Blakeley walks up to Steve.
"Be careful, okay?" Blakeley tells him.
"Don't worry about me. Just... worry about making it out alive." Steve says. "I can't lose you, B. We may not be together but... I still love you. I..."
"I know. I love you to." Blakeley smiles, knowing what Steve was going to say.
They both regretted what happened to lead to there break up. They both knew if they both got through this, they would give them another chance, there was no doubt about it. If Blakeley was to be honest, if anything, that was what was going to get her through.
Blakeley goes to walk away.
"Blakeley, wait." Steve says, grabbing her hand and standing up.
Blakeley turns to her.
"Yeah?" Blakeley asks.
Steve looks at her for a moment, deciding if he should do it or not.
"Fuck it." Steve says, before kissing her.
Blakeley kisses back, and they stay there for a couple moments before pulling away.
"Blakeley." Lucas says, causing Blakeley and Steve to look at him. "It's time."
"Please don't get killed." Steve says.
"All I can do is try." Blakeley says.
"That's not exactly comforting." Steve says, causing Blakeley to laugh slightly.
"See you on the other side." Blakeley says.
"See you on the other side." Steve says, reluctantly letting go of Blakeley's hand.
The blonde follows Max, Lucas and Erica off the caravan before closing the door. She turns and walks forward, as the caravan pulls away. Blakeley stands in front of the kids as they look up at the Creel. After a moment the four of them walk up and into the Creel house.

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