Part 9

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Chuuya opened his eyes a little due to the movement Dazai was causing. God, he knew what was about to happen..Dazai was about to freak out. "Daz- I mean, Osamu?" Chuuya wanted to see the brunet's reaction while he was sober.

Dazai was sturggling to reply, trying to remember what had happened the nioght before. His heart began to beat faster as he heard his first name. "Chuuya," he muttered. "What the hell did I do this morning?"

Chuuya sat up, a smile finding its way to his thin lips. "nothing happened, Osamu. You just got drunk and wanted to cuddle." Chuuya thought about teasing the younger one, but he knew it would screw things up more for Dazai. 

Dazai's face was red, and he had to hide it in between his fingers. Did Chuuya just call him by his first name? Flustered, he began to speak. "Osamu?" He coughed. When did that become a thing.. ? he thought.

Chuuya didn't like this reaction and looked to the side, embarassed.  "I meant to say Dazai, I apologize if I offended you.." Chuuya gripped the blanket, hating himself for even thinking about using his crush's first name. Why would he do that? Now Osamu would think he's creepy or something.

A smile played at Dazai's lips even though he was embarassed. "N-no," he stuttered, not wanting Chuuya to think that he was mad. In fact, he was quite humbled. "I like it when you call me Osamu." He smiled nervously.

Chuuya looks back, eyes slightly widen "y-you do..?" A small hint of blush was now noticable in the shorter male's cheeks, as he looked  into Dazai's hazel eyes. God, they were so pretty. "Osamu..why is your face so red?"

Dazai laguhs, rubbing his head with his hand. "Youre in the same BED as me. Thats why," he said, still shocked, but definitely not in complaint. 

Chuuya's cheek grew warmer with what was just said, feeling even more guilty now. Was Dazai mad? He couldn't read the brunette's facial expression. "Are you embarrassed to sleep with me..?" Chuuya didn't know why he was asking that, but something in him told him he needed to know. 

Dazai grinned. "Eh." was all he could say. He was too embarrassed to admit that he had really enjoyed feeling his body warmth against his while he  was sleeping.

Chuuya continued to clutch the bedsheets, swallowing nervously. "what the hell does that mean?"

Dazai chuckles, looking at Chuuya. "I guess.. I don't really know." He looked down at the floor. He was in deep thought, thinking about Chuuya and how his body curved perfectly, looking at his leg slightly. "No. I'm not." He sighs, making up his mind. "Are you-?"

Chuuya smiles a little at the response and looks Dazai in his Hazel eyes once more. A flood of relief filled his thoughts as he heard that he wasn't mad.. Or embarrassed. "of course not, dummy." Chuuya wants to hold Dazai's hand, but because he's too stubborn, he decides to just pat Dazai's shoulder in affirmation. "you know..we left the bar to talk about something, do you even remember leaving the bar, or the conversation we had as to why we left?" 

Dazai swallows, thinking back to his memory. He remembers talking to the purple haired girl and then deciding that they were going to go home to talk about something... what was it? Ah, yes, Chuuya feeling upset. A pang of guilt ran through his mind. He hadnt meant to make it all about him. He looked at Chuuya's hand on his shoulder and sighs. "Yeah, I didn't mean to make it about me this morning.. I'm sorry."

Chuuya takes his hand back and fidgets with his fingers, feeling the skin run against his other finger's.  "you didn't mean to, it's okay, Osamu..and..I wasn't upset..I was..uhm.." Chuuya mumbles the rest of the sentence then looks away, still fidgeting with his fingers, too embarrassed to say the rest. 

Dazai looks at him blanketly. "What did you say?" He asks. 

A shiver runs down his spine, as Chyuya continues to look away and mumbles louder. "I was just jealous.." he starts to chew on his nails, hoping the other wouldn't laugh or judge him.

Dazai laughs, picking up Chuuya's hand and holding it between both of his. "I would get jealous if my best friend found a new friend too," he says, clueless. What was Chuuya trying to imply here?

Chuuya blushes at his best friend's gesture and stares at his perfectly shaped hands, his slender fingers wrapped around his own. A wave of heat rushed through Chuuya's body. "th-that's not what I.. nevermind.." he looks away, all hope in him gone. Of course Dazai wouldn't like him back. 

Dazai blushes. "oh." He pauses, looking at Chuuya's dissapointed eyes. Dazai was scared, terrified that Chuuya would never like him.. but here he was, confessing. "Chuuya, I like you a lot.." He admitted.

Chuuya whips his head back to look at Dazai, eyes widened in shock. "Wh-what?" Was all Chuuya could muster. Did his best friend seriously just confess? How is he supposed to act? What was he supposed to do? He finds himself squeezing dazai's hand, their fingers intertwined still. 

Dazai smiles lightly, his face red. "Yeah." He admitted, exhaling a sigh of relief that he had done it. After all that time... he had told him. "I hope you don't mind," he snickers. "How could someone resist how cute you are anyways?" He teased.

Chuuya's face was as red, if not redder, than Dazai's.  "I uh-..." Chuuya was still processing what had just happened.

"you think I'm cute..?" He subconsciously started to lean in a little, hoping the younger would get the hint.

Dazai smiled and looked at Chuuya's lips, leaning in as well. "Cute?" He asked, scoffing a little bit. "You're adorable, Chuuya. I mean look at you right now." He smirks and looks back at Chuuya's desperate eyes. He could feel the tension between them, the electric shock seeming to electrify him, like a rush of serotonin. He suddenly had so much energy, and he wanted to use it on this man.. 

Chuuya's eyes, half lidded, become more desperate as he leans in closer. His lips were so close, and he could almost taste the brunette's sweet, sugary lips. "be my boyfriend, Osamu..?"

Dazai chuckled. "Your boyfriend?" he laughs lightly, leaning in once again, feeling Chuuya's breathing on his as their mouths were almost touching. He paused, looking deeply into Chuuya's deep blue eyes, like an ocean that he wanted to drown in. "Why not? There's nobody else I would want to live for." He smiles against Chuuya's lips.

Chuuya smiles and kisses his lips softly while closing his eyes, his free hand caressing the younger's cheek.

Dazai passionately kisses back, feeling Chuuya's gloves rub against his skin. He grabbed it, pressing it against his skin even more. As he did, he slipped his hand under his glove, feeling his soft hands on his own hand. He traced his finger on it, tracing it up his armand up his shoulder to his neck. He rubs his neck as he kisses him even more passionately, feeling his soft lips pressed against his. Something inside of him melted, like some sort of tension that had built up was suddenly released.

A boost of serotonin and passion tan through the two of them as Dazai tugged on chuuya's lips. God, they were so good.. Better than he ever could've imagined.

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