Chapter 2

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"Hey Shine!" Shine sighed softly and turned around to see Thunder patting over to her with a warm smile on his face.

"Yes, Thunder? What is it?"

Thunder smiled and flicked his thunderbolt-shaped tail to the trees. Shine got the hint and the two headed deeper into the forest to talk without being overheard.

It was silent for a while as the two Pokémon trotted through the forest. The trees let at least a small ray of sunlight peak through the canopy of leaves as the two Pokémon kept on walking.

They finally stopped under the shade of a tall pine tree. "So..." Shine began in a slow tone. "What'd you bring me all the way out here for?"

Thunder grinned and pointed up to something in the branches. "Look up there!" he said, pointing with a paw. "That Pokémon up there wants to speak with you."

Shine blinked in confusion but nevertheless she climbed up the tree with no problem whatsoever. "Hello, Shine, nice to see you again."

"Who is it?" Thunder called up to her from the forest floor. Shine waved a paw and rolled her eyes.

"Her name's Sapphire, she's an old friend of mine!" Shine told him with a flick of her hand-shaped tail.

Thunder blinked and squinted his eyes in an attempt to make out what Pokémon Sapphire was.

Shine, most likely seeing her boyfriend's confused look, just laughed quietly and slid down the tree to join him. "She's a Riolu," Shine told him with a cheeky grin on her face.

"How long have you two known each other?"

"We're childhood friends, little electric mouse!" Sapphire said with a cat-like grin and mischief shimmering in her ruby red eyes.

"So, are you gonna come down from there, Phire?" Shine asked, blinking and giving her friend a raised eyebrow.

"You bet I am Shine!" she said with a cheeky grin and a roll of her eyes. "Will I get to meet your other friends?" the blue-and-black jackal-like emanation Pokémon asked as she leapt down from the tree to join them.

Shine nodded and gave Sapphire a bright smile. "Yeah, of course you will!" she exclaimed excitedly. "Now come on, let's go!"

Team Destiny: Shine the AipomWhere stories live. Discover now