𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐢𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭

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Brian put the chip in the thin and pressed the button and I looked at Mia confused and she looked back at me also confused then a screen came out and I got more confused
"What do you think"
"Well it's definitely a custom made chip"
"Look at all these side menus here for data entry let's close this one"
Then he pressed one and many things came up and I had a shocked looked while also confused
"Look at that"
"That's weird my question is why would they put this in a car"
Brian looked at me and shrugged his shoulders then looked back at the screen and spoke again
"Same building,same order every week"
"It's a delivery schedule"
(3rd person POV)
Cars then started to drive to there location then they got there and they stopped
then Mia looked closer and she chose one and another screen came up
"I whats this"
"No,that's a dealer pack see most major players,they weigh there money,so they don't have to constantly count it"
"Pretty smart"
"Right there that's 49 kilos,forty-non kilos is a million is twenty's"
Then I looked at dom shocked and looked back at Mia as she started to speak
"You're saying each one of these shipments is worth $10 million"
(3rd person POV)
Then the FBI started to walk up the stairs then the men around them started to take out there guns and keep an eye on them then the leader pulled out his and the rest of his gang did and the lady next to him stayed calm while looking at the men in-front of her then they backed away when they heard the sound of electricity then the leader spoke on a deep and raspy voice
"I thought so"
We where all looking at the screen and I leaned next to dom and then Brian started to talk again
"So what is that 100 million plus in cash houses"
He said while looking at dom and me and Mia looked at dom as well waiting for his answer
"That's how he keeps it off the grid"
"And it also explains why he needs the chip so badly"
I said while looking at dom and looked back at the screen
(3rd person POV)
Then they started to walk up the stairs while the rest of the group kept there guns out
"I think it's safe to say that Reyes is smart to want this back I mean it's his whole network right there just laid out on a chip"
I then got shocked and put my hand over my mouth then we heard a metal clank and we all looked at the way the sound came from
(3rd person POV)
A member of Reyes group was walking to the door while pointing to the door with a gun then he put on his mask and he told one of the other to kick the door down and they did but the group was already jumping out the window running off the FBI and his men/lady heard the gun shots and looked confused and then in the garage dom got a hold to one of them and made the guy face the other way and made him shots the other then back with the FBI
"Wilkes,fusco,up the middle Mac,chato,flank north"
then they ran off following his orders then the lady looked up at him and asked
"What about me"
"Stay here"
Then he walked off and she looked at him mad when he was walking away from her back with the shooting the man was staying behind a wall while also shooting the group of Reyes spoke prorogues then dom ran out the window and ran away on the roofs
"Go the other way!..the other three went over the wall!!"
They kept on shooting at dom while he was running away then the leader looked up and saw dom running on the roofs then he started to follow dom in anyway he could then dom ran off from a high roof to a small one the the leader ran through the window and he they made eye contact then dom ran off and the guy followed him but Mia,Brian,and y/n where running away but Mia was in front of her to keep her safe then we went the other way when we where meet with some guy then Brian killed coed the fence to him and started to punch him then another one came then I pushed Mia to hurry and she did then I ran behind her and we ran off again we ran down alleyways kept on getting shot at while I made sure to keep Mia safe while Brian was fighting the guys then we jump onto a roof house to get away from the guys but they just kept on following us but we tried harder but then we got to a roof that was mad of wood then we hesitated and we jumped off and we fell through the roof


After we walking minutes in a sewer we finally got out and I was mad then we looked up to then I looked at Dominic
"They'll be looking for us four together now we need to spilt up"
"You,Mia,and y/n go south I'll lead them away"
Then Mia looked at Brian for back up but he had other ideas
"Maybe he's right I mean we got lucky but what if next time th-"
"I'm pregnant"
They looked at her shocked but I clapped happily for her then she spoke up to break the silence
"Look I already lost my family once I'm not going through that again"
"Are you kidding me"
"No hehehe"
Brian then gave her a kiss and hugged her tightly and happily then he pulled away and looked at her softly
"I'm not going anywhere okay"
She nodded then she looked at Dominic with a soft face and so did I then I looked at Dominic softly
"Dom...promise we'll stay together"
He hesitated then he pulled us into a hug
"I promise"
Then he hugged us tightly while chuckling softly then he spoke up happily
"Our family just got bigger"

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