𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭𝐬 𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭

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y/n POV

I was sitting next to Han while his arm was around my shoulder holding me close while i was reading a book then i heard Dominic car then i saw him drive in with his car then we saw a blue one and i smirked and got up still staying next to Han while roman laughed with a smirk
"oh,oh,oh, really man who'd you get that from papa smurf"
i giggled while looking at roman while laughing then i looked back at Brian who was smiling a bit as well

"okay O'Conner give it your best shot"then he came driving in as fast as he could then we looked at the computers and we saw that the cameras still caught him then he came out of the car and me,Han,and Dominic went to the edge of the stairs and he...

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"okay O'Conner give it your best shot"
then he came driving in as fast as he could then we looked at the computers and we saw that the cameras still caught him then he came out of the car and me,Han,and Dominic went to the edge of the stairs and he spoke up with a smile on his face
"how was that one"
"camera caught you"
"Still caught you"
"I was milking the hell out of that thing"
He said while walking up the stairs then he looked at him sadly then i heard Dominic spoke
"we're gonna need faster cars"
i smiled then then i clapped excitedly

"okay O'Conner give it your best shot"then he came driving in as fast as he could then we looked at the computers and we saw that the cameras still caught him then he came out of the car and me,Han,and Dominic went to the edge of the stairs and he...

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Third Person POV

Everyone started to drive every new car that Brian or Dom would bring back when they won but one of the Spanish people bumped into the stairs edge and that made everyone smile and laugh then and that made Roman a little mad
"That's exactly why your ass an't be driving"
Tej said in a Spanish accent then it was Y/n's turn to go and she was smooth and fast while doing it and she had a calm face while she was doing that Han was amazed that she improved so much then he spoke
"I think I will start sending wedding invitations out"
When he said that roman smiled and patted Hans back then after Y/n was done she got out the car with a small smile
"That was real soled work i think camera three still caught you"
y/n sighed then started to get back into the car saying
"lets go again"
then she went off ready to start again then after some time it was hans turn he was caught by the camera and when he was done Y/n came up to him in a crop top and shorts while speaking softly
"Still not enough"
Hand groaned then he rolled his eyes and he looked over to Dominic and spoke
"Dom that windows to small man the only way we can beat the cameras if we where invisible cars"
Y/n then looked at dom while nodding to then dom closed the roof of the engine and spoke with a smirk
"And i know just where to get them"
Y/n looked at dom confused then she looked at Han confused and he looked right back at her confused while shrugging his shoulders then going back to look at Dominic confused

Everyone started to drive every new car that Brian or Dom would bring back when they won but one of the Spanish people bumped into the stairs edge and that made everyone smile and laugh then and that made Roman a little mad"That's exactly why your...

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The guys unscrewed the last screw to the wood then Brian and roman removed the door then it showed a fake vault that looked like the real one
"Thats the piggy bank you ordered"
"where in the hell did you get this"
"Well we had a life before you meet us"
Han said while looking at Tej with a smirk Tej sighed while walking to the fake vault while having his hands in his pockets
"Alright well ill get started working  on the electric tumbler but there still one problem palm scanner without Reyes hand print Houdini couldn't open this bitch
"how do you know its Reyes hand print"
"you got a hundred million dollars in safe and you gonna put someone else hand print'
"Ahi vas a ser tonto de nuevo  eres tan tonto siempre actuando tonto"
"there you go with the negativity man thats going to eat you alive"
"No estoy siendo Negativo solo te digo la verdad"
"shut the fuck up"
Everyone then started to laugh as they continued to argue while one was using a drill to 'threaten' the other one
"how are we going to get Reyes hand print"
then roman spoke up while also confused what is going to happen next then  Dominic looked up and spoke
"Han your up"
Han sighed while walking away smirking and spoke while looking at Y/n
"sure nothing like the easy stuff right babe"
Y/n smirked while looking at Gisele then they both walked off with Han ready to help with the plan

The guys unscrewed the last screw to the wood then Brian and roman removed the door then it showed a fake vault that looked like the real one"Thats the piggy bank you ordered""where in the hell did you get this""Well we had a life before you meet ...

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all there of them where at a table Gisele was in a dress and y/n had on a white bathing suit cloak that was somewhat see there then Han spoke while still eating
"that makes six body guards"
Gisele spoke calmly while correcting him
"seven you think that guy with a fanny pack is a tourist
"she got a point"
"well this is bust were not going to be able to get his finger prints out here we need to do more recon call in  couple extra guys"
"Or you don't send in a man to do a woman's job show him y/n"
Y/n smiled then she took off her her robe and she had on a white bikini that showed off her curves and beauty then she walked over there and went up to them while Han was shocked and staring down at y/n while eating his chips fast not once taking his eyes off her then when she got up to the body guards but they stopped her then Reyes told the body guard to let him see her then she looked back at them smirking then went to him and sat on his lap flirting with him then they saw Reyes put his hand on her butt and Gisele looked at Han smirking
"See never underestimate a woman"
"well played"
Han said with a smirk then looked back to y/n while not taking his eyes off her body just staring her down

all there of them where at a table Gisele was in a dress and y/n had on a white bathing suit cloak that was somewhat see there then Han spoke while still eating"that makes six body guards"Gisele spoke calmly while correcting him"seven you think th...

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Then Han held the bottom on the batting suit and tej had a UV light over it to see the handprint and Roman was looking at it in shock
"Man how did you get it"
They said nothing and Han held y/n close while smirking softly
"So what did he slap it"
Y/n shook her head now while smiling Roman and tej dabbed each other up while chuckling and smirking

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