Police cars

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Then four police cars rolled into the guys got out and Brian had a smirk while dom was walking past him with a soft smile on his face
"Good race O'conner"
"Thanks dom"
Then he turned around and dabbed up Roman happily
"Do you know how long I've been waiting for that shit"
"I told you he didn't see it"
"That man right there he let off the crotole at the final you did nothing he let you win"
He then walked off then so did Han while going to go find y/n somewhere
Then no one said nothing then Brian looked confused then he walked off to go find Mia

Moan and y/n were busy at the market Mia had a beautiful yellow and blue dress on,y/n had a white dress with lavender prints at the bottom they smiled softly while talking to each other while trying to get around then they were pulled away and the...

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Moan and y/n were busy at the market Mia had a beautiful yellow and blue dress on,y/n had a white dress with lavender prints at the bottom they smiled softly while talking to each other while trying to get around then they were pulled away and they got scared then Mia saw it was Vince and she said is name in a shocked voice
"Vince what are you doing!?"
"Quite they e been tracking y'all"
The two girls saw that their were cars pulling up then they ran away as fast as they could while pulling Vince along then they got to the base Roman saw them but said nothing knowing han and Brian would be mad to see a man by their lady's then Brian and Han looked up and they were angry then they walked to him but the two girls stopped them
"Hey,hey,hey wait a second now Vince saved our lives"
The three men looked at him but Roman was mostly their for back up then some voice was heard
"Uh sure"
"Good because your saying grace"
Then the guys were talking while the two Rio men were busy arguing then the one that was cooking put a sort of burnt rib on the plate
"So we in Rio it's a good life"
"So you got a little bit more 10-11 million dollars what you gonna do"
"Who me"
"Man I've been thinking about opening a garage back home where people can bring their cars and not get completely ripped off you know"
So your dream is to have a day job yeah that's stupid"
"It's not stupid I love what I do"
"That don't make know sense man"
"I know what I'm gonna do with my money buy some cooking lessons for my man"(as a friend)
He said while putting down the plate and showing them the burnt rib
"See their you go with that negative man"
He said a little mad while Roman picked it up by the bone looking at the burnt rib with a confused face
"You know me money ain't a god damn thing"
"It's gonna take a lot more than money for that,that's just horrible"
Then Han looked away to see y/n humming a soft tune while fixing up some tools he smiled softly thinking about the future with her

But with Vince he walked up to dom while speaking softly
"Hey dom...listen uh I know your all set up for this job tomorrow if you need an extra man I co-"
"Your in"
Vince looked at him shocked but still a little proud that he was now apart of this he nodded then dom smiled drinker a beer then looked at him smiling
"There's always room for family"
"Thank you"
Dom smiled then grabbed his jersey and walked by Vince smiling
"Can you believe being cause is a curse"
"Maybe she's right"

Han walked up to y/n while she was still working on tools
"You really like doing that huh"
"When your life's on the line that's when you learn it by yourself"
She said while looking up at him with a soft smile while taking a drink
"That's a fair deal"
He said with a soft smile she smiled but before he could say anything else Roman spoke
"Were less than twenty-four hours from the biggest celebration of our lives"
"You guys need to drink"
He said while giving a drink to Mia with a smile
"No I can't"
"You have to"
"No I can't"
"She can't"
"What do you mean she can't"
"She can't"
Brian said happily while rubbing her stomach then Roman saw that put the pieces together and smiled happily
"Are you serious right now"
Then he turned around spoke to dom happily
"Is that the reason you let him beat you in the quarter mile"
"That is a baby gift"
"No thats messed up"
"It was"
"It was a baby gift"
"Your not taking that from me"
"Wait,wait,wait,wait a second did he smack that ass or did he grab it"
Mia still smiled Roman laughed Han came up and so did Gisele and they said congratulations to the couple
"That's crazy"
"Man your supposed to tell me this"
Brian then walked up to them smiling and dom was smiling to
"Baby gift huh"
"Don't know what they talking about...toast"
"They all come and go we know that but the most important thing in life is going to be the people in this room right here right now...salute la familia"
They saluted and they drank while smiling happily

Everyone was getting ready then Mia spoke loudly"COPS ON THE OTHER SODE OF THE CITY

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Everyone was getting ready then Mia spoke loudly
"COPS ON THE OTHER SODE OF THE CITY...your not going to get a better window"
"Come on let's do this"
They all got ready then dom grabbed his jacket then he was topped by Vince
"Hey dom I got eyes on Mia"
He nodded then he left Brian walked up to Mai and spoke softly while giving her soft kisses while speaking to her
"We're going to be running for the rest of our lives"
Then y/n walked up behind her speaking softly
"Are you sure you don't want me to stay"
"I'm fine y/n and besides you need more fun than being bored here"
She smiled then hugged me but she pulled away fast when she heard a yell
The three then ran away but dom was being them making sure they weren't captured then Hobbs smashed his car
"You just made a big mistake"
"It took me a while to find the tracken chip all o had to do was flip the resever your going down toretto"
"I'm right here"
They then started fight and then they were all over the place then he saw Brian,mia,Vince,and y/n being surrounded Mia and y/n made eyes contact and they had scared faces then he got mad and took out all his anger out on him Hobbs picked him up ran threw a window but why kept on fight Mia and y/n tried to stop him while Vince was telling him to go harder then dom stopped got up put his hands up looking at the two girls softly

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08 ⏰

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