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(3d person POV)
It was dark outside but they were able to find a place to sleep and relax Dominic kicked down the gate and let Mia,and y/n inside first and they went upstairs to a room where mia went to sleep and y/n was right beside her then she got up and went out side sitting on the railing then I look at Brian
"Your scared huh"
"Most definitely now that she's pregnant"
"Promise me something"
"If this doesn't go right I'll fight them off you,Mia,and dom get out of here okay"
"Y/n what are you saying?"
"I'm saying if things go south protect Mia and get out of here"
Brian looked at me sadly sighed then nodded while looking down then he sat up and looked at dom
"Hey dom what do you remember about your father"
"My father.....he used to uh he used to have a babaque every Sunday after church...for anybody in the neighborhood and if you didn't go to church you didn't get barbaque"
Me and Brian smiled and laughed a bit I smiled thinking of that then I looked back at dom happily
"Every single day he was at the shop but every single night he was at the table with Mia helping her with her homework even after she went to sleep he'd stay up for a few more hours so he could learn the next chapter so it would help him the next day...I remember everything about my father everything"
"That's just it I don't know shit about my dad I don't remember him yelling,I don't remember him smiling to be honest with you I don't even remember what he looks like I don't remember he was just never there"
"You ain't gonna be like that Brian"
Dom then looked back at Mia then me and Brian did as well then we smiled and I looked at Brian and patted his shoulder proud
"We can't keep running dom we gotta get out we gotta get out now"
"Your right"
I then looked at dom then he pulled out a drive and showed us
"We're gonna use this for one last job and we're going to take all of reyesmoney every dime of it and disappear"
He then put it down on the table and I smirked while looking at him then he spoke smirking
"New passports,new lives,no more looking over our shoulder and we're just going to buy our freedom"
"That's right"
"You do realize we're talking about the most powerful guy in Rio"
"Yes we are"
"Then we're going to need a team"
I jumped up happily then hugged dom happily and spoke excitedly
"Eeeeee my Han is finally coming back"
Dom chuckles and messed up my hair I pushed him playfully and went inside the apartment getting ready to sleep

I remember everything about my father everything""That's just it I don't know shit about my dad I don't remember him yelling,I don't remember him smiling to be honest with you I don't even remember what he looks like I don't remember he was just n...

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Thits person pov

y/n and the gang where walking on while talking while they were facing the city while they where on a long balcony
"Alright let's run through the basics what we got"
"First where going to need a camelian"
Then it goes to Han who was chewing on some gum and walking into the city and he had a little box in his pocket ready to see his girl again then it goes back to them
"What else"
"A fast talker someone who can bullshit there way out of anything"
Then it goes to Roman who was walking to a taxi then he saw a gorgeous woman walking by then his eyes followed her then we went into the taxi then it goes back to the gang and Brian spoke happily
"I got that covered"
"This place is going to have a lot of surveillance we're going to need someone who knows circuits"
Then it goes to tej who was talking to a person to use there car after some time he convinced the guy and he got the car and drove off
"And with those circuits there's going to be walls and we need someone to punch threw those walls"
"Got it covered"
Y/n said while looking at dom smirking then looking back at the city
"What else"
"You kill it needs a weapon we need some who isn't afraid to throw down...some one to back up every position"
"Yeah what else we need"
"Most importantly we need two position drivers guys that don't crash under pressure two guys that never lose"
"You know we got that"
I smirked and I looked looked at Mia laughing softly while shaking my head

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