Chapter 1

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There was a knock on the door and I was downstairs turning the doorknob before my father could even look up from the paper. With the hand that wasn’t holding the towel over my wet hair, I turned the knob to see a tall, slim figure towering over me. His deep baby blue eyes shone as he flashed me a smile and his neatly cut black hair blew in the slight summer breeze. Unluckily, fall started in a few weeks. He regarded me with a smile before stepping inside.

“How you are always here at the exact same time every morning, Aaron, amazes me.” My father’s light voice drifted into the small den from the living room.

I barely heard Aaron chuckle slightly before he strode past me to go greet my dad. You’d think, after being friends for nine years, Aaron would just yell hello instead of going to my dad’s location just to shake his hand every time he walked in the door.

Not even bothering to wait for him, I rolled my eyes and started up the stairs. I barely slowed down to throw the now wet towel into the bathroom before continuing straight towards the end of the hall where my room was. Once inside, I kicked off the pajama pants I had thrown on after my shower and started rummaging through my closet for a shirt, which left me pantless and in a tank top.

“If you weren’t my best friend, I’d have a boner,” Aaron said as he stepped in the room. When I turned to look at him, I saw that he was glaring at his crotch with furrowed brows and pointed finger. “Down boy.”

“No wonder you don’t have a girlfriend,” I muttered, pulling a neon pink batman shirt off the hanger. Throwing it on over the white tank top, I shuffled over to my dresser and pulled out a pair of white jeans.

I nearly fell over as Aaron said, “I need to relieve myself... if you know what I mean” as he disappeared out of my room and into the bathroom down the hall. Great, not only did I have a very perverted friend, but I had a perverted friend who was masturbating in my bathroom. Wonderful.

By the time he came back, I had managed to straighten my hair and pull on a pair of black converse. Aaron had a wicked grin on his face as he collapsed onto my bed. “That was great, although, it would have been better if you helped me.”

Rolling my eyes, I grabbed my shoulder bag and purple hoodie off the hook by the door and muttered, “Let’s go before you get so desperate you let my cat lick you to climax.” Not even bothering to wait for him, I jogged down the stairs and went into the living room. My dad sat in his normal $2,000 chair with the paper covering his face. Joey, my younger brother, was placed in front of the TV in his pjs and had a bowl of lucky charms on his lap. “Where’s David?” I asked, drawing both of their attention away from the things preoccupying them.

“Probably still sleeping. You didn’t wake him up?” My father’s beard had grown past his chin and he looked as if he hadn’t slept well in weeks. Well, the reason for that was because our mother died four months ago. I guessed I was the only one in this family who had actually pushed that to the back of my mind.

Shaking my head, I turned to go back upstairs when I ran smack into Aaron’s chest. Shoving my bag and hoodie at him, I walked around him and up the stairs for a second time. Opening the door to my brother’s room, I found it dark, the only light coming from the spaces in the blinds covering the window next to his bed. “David, get up. School starts in 20. You’re going to be late.”

He didn’t move.

Grunting, I went to the side of his bed. “1...2...3...” I firmly grasped the mattress and flipped it, sending him into the wall. I didn’t stick around to get screamed at.

Once downstairs again, I found Aaron waiting by the door. He handed me my things and then opened the thick glass, gesturing me forward. I went, putting the sunglasses that were now in my hand over my eyes.

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