2. Jungkooks problem with vampires

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Jungkook knew from a very young age that he desired to be a singer.

He started off with concerts in front of his accepting parents, then moved on to school talent shows and even a local commercial for nail polish. Something about singing, the way he could maneuver his vocals to sound breathy, or deep, he adored every second of doing it.

He auditioned everywhere, quickly realizing that he would need to be skilled in both vocals and dance to even have a shot. How else would he? He was competing with thousands of people including those born stronger, more agile, and smarter than him. Taking class after class, earning himself a spot in a prestigious school for theatrically talented people, he finally landed a spot in SM Entertainment. 

Jungkook quickly realized his disadvantage wasn't something he could just work harder around.

Werewolves, now they were stronger. They could hold moves better than Jungkook could, able to do intricate dance moves Jungkook couldn't. Omegas were prettier and more desirable to the public and he couldn't compare. Yet vampires, now vampires were the worse. Sure hybrids were agile, depending on what they were a hybrid of, and werewolves are strong, but vampires, vampires were just the absolute worst.

They could move quicker on their feet, with elegant balance, and depending on how long they lived, IQs that could rival einsteins. Jungkook just couldn't keep up, they even had bigger lungs to hold stronger notes, Jungkook was beginning to feel inferior in every way the boy could. Developing a real rugged view of himself in the process. It made him start to hate them, most supernatural in general, and when final evaluations came out and he was kicked out he knew what he would study in college.

He gave up hope, saving singing for showers and long car rides. It was pretty easy to get accepted into a prestigious only-human school. He wanted to avoid the possibility of going up against the supernatural academically. Jungkook was a sweetheart, and everybody in the school got along with the ex-idol trainee incredibly well. He wasn't mean to his teacher who introduced him to the study of unlikely creatures, who happened to be a deer-hybrid.  Nor was he rude to the multiple supernatural including vampires they would bring in so the class could ask questions.

He learned a lot about them, he studied them, and he knew about their psychology. The nature of covens and nestmates, werewolf packs, and hybrids bonding capabilities. He was a host of knowledge when it came to supernatural creatures. His original plan was to be a doctor for them, it paid better than human hospitals did, and Jungkook could develop a comfortable life, with enough money to live alone, where he could sing in the shower as loud as he desired.

He didn't plan to meet the vampire Yugyeom, they bumped heads on accident while walking in opposite directions, both managing to be completely unaware of their surroundings. Jungkook was reserved at first when Yugyeom gave his number to the smaller, the tall intimidating vampire was clear and loud. Vampires didn't hide their fangs like they used to, you could walk along the street and see the glint of one's teeth in your eye at any time nowadays. 

The vampire was insistent, texting Jungkook until he finally responded back, the two developing a friendship with each other quickly. Finding out Yugyeom was a debut idol wasn't difficult, one quick Google search told Jungkook that Yugyeom and his bandmates of GOT7 were all vampires, and one of the top boy groups along with BTS. That reminded him, BTS, that he wasn't a fan. 

He liked their music, the most recent comeback Blood Sweat & Tears wasn't bad at all. He could tell that methodical and careful effort was put into the Song and the album. It wasn't the music or how they looked that bothered him. It's how they treated managers, the majority of the idol world had known about their ability to find a way to get every single manager to run for the hills.

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