4. The quiet game

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The past week had been rough on Jungkook, not that he would ever admit it. He and the bandmates have not spoken a word to each other since the introduction. He wondered if this was their solemn way of protesting. Not that Jungkook necessarily minded the peaceful protest, more so reminding him of the quiet game, played by children. If they wanted to act like kids he was going to treat them like kids.

Jungkook sighed, coming through his wet hair with his fingertips, gentle to the strands that were ever so fragile when wet. He couldn't help the sigh that escaped his lips, pushing past his hard exterior he was already pretty tired. He was consistently taking the vampires to event after event. He jam-packed their schedule as much as he could, being a bit like a sadist. When he talked to the sweet staff girl who interviewed him, she seemed almost exhausted with the immature boys.  

Maybe they had their reasons, not that Jungkook really cared. He was irritated with them, they seemed to also be intentionally keeping his side of the house messy. They must've told the housekeepers not to clean his room up, not that he cared, he made his bed best anyway.

His form of protest came in the form of vacuuming.

Normally while everyone else was out of the house the sweet hybrid maid who cleaned their house would pick up things, make beds, basically everything besides dishes. Since his room hadn't been cleaned, he took to putting in his pair of headphones, putting it on the best setting, and vacuuming all night long, while the boys tried to sleep.

That is what actually got Yoongi to talk to him for the first time.

He had been doing one of his nightly sessions, listening to a song by his favorite idol when he heard a knock at the door. It didn't sound like a knock, it was more a bang, like the kind of sound you would hear if police officers were trying to break down your door.

He paused, turning off the vacuum to walk over to the door. When he opened it, he couldn't help the snicker looking at the cat-like vampire in front of him. Yoongi was in pajamas with cats all over it, his blonde hair messy and sticking up in places. His fangs were out, not that Jungkook cared, and he looked like he was ready to murder the manager right there.

He watched the boy's mouth move, Jungkook paused realizing he still had his headphones in. Just to rub it in his face, he took his time removing one of his earphones, looking at Yoongi with the best snarky expression he could muster, "Sorry what did you say? I couldn't hear you the first time."

Yoongi muttered something under his breath, placing his hand on the door frame to lean closer to Jungkook. "I said turn off your fucking vacuum." Jungkook mentally rolled his eyes, at the audacity of these idols. He didn't understand why just because they looked pretty people would get on their knees and pray to them like they were gods.

He hummed for a second tapping his pointer finger to his lips in thought. "I mean I would," he sighed. "It seems however your sweet maid won't clean my room, and this is the only free time I have to do it." Yoongi narrowed his eyes, he had to have known at some point Jungkook would realize what they were up to, silent or not.

"Look you may think vampires don't need a lot of sleep, but with the way you are scheduling us we fucking do, so cut it out." This man was probably used to people just doing whatever he said, now that Jungkook was close to him he understood why. He was attractive, the rapper was enticing and came off a bit rougher on the edges than the other members. He smelled like expensive cologne if you got close enough to him, and the way he could look at you would probably make other people melt.

Jungkook sighed, leaning against the doorframe near where Yoongi was, putting on the dramatics. "I wish I could but, a clean room means a clean mind, and I will continue to vacuum at this hour until somebody else does it."  Yoongi's lips pursed into a thin line, Jungkook really was putting on a show and he knew it. Jungkook wondered if they thought that Bang Si-hyuk made a deal with the devil to find him, or just found the person with the biggest stick up their ass in the interview process. He was okay with that, he wanted to piss them off, and he enjoyed it.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2023 ⏰

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