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The next morning

I woke up and looked at the clock. It was 8.30 a.m. already. I thought I should go eat breakfast now.

I went over to Helena and saw that she still slept. "Helenaaaa", I said with a soft voice and tried to wake her up, but she didn't move a bit.

I pulled her blanket away and shouted "HELENAAA, WAKE UP!"

And she screamed back "NO! Let me sleep!" and tried to get her blanket back, but I did not let up.

"Okay then I am going to eat all the food on my own"

She got up rapidly "FOOOOD, I AM COMING!"

I had to laugh and then I took a shower. I put on a blue hot pant and a white top. Afterwards I put on some makeup.

When I came back from the bathroom Helena was ready already and waited for me impatiently.

"Finally", she complained and I couldn't help myself but grin.

We went down to get some food. It already smelled really good. We had a buffet.

When I wanted to ask Helena where we wanted to sit, I noticed that she wasn't by my side anymore.

I looked around and finally saw her, she was waiting in the queue to get her food.
I had to laugh and thought "That was clear"

I sat down next to Nina and after I greeted everyone I got some food.

I took a croissant, a pancake and many more things.

When I was about to sit down on the table, Helena already stood up again to get more food.

I looked at her aghast, but all she did was smiling at me.

I ate my food. Meanwhile Helena got up some time to get more food, but after a while she was finally full.

She ate really fast in comparison to me, because when I had 1 plate she already had 3.

I was amaze but I didn't know her otherwise.

We talked a bit until some teachers came and said that we would meet outside at the beach in one hour to draw lots to find out who our dance partner is going to be, because we're having a dancing course.

When the teachers were away I felt a glance on me. Someone watched me all the time.

When I turned around I was facing Simon.

Well that was expected but still unexpected.

I looked at him for a while until Helena tapped me and said that she wanted to go into our room.

I went upstairs with her because I wanted to escape from Simon's glance. When I hated something than people who won't stop looking at me.

-In the room-

"Natalie, did you see my watch anywhere?"

"Wasn't it on the commode?"

"Oh yeah right, thank you."

I sat on the sofa and watched something on the TV. But I didn't pay attention because all I could think of was Simon.

What did he want from me? All the years he didn't even notice me and now he thinks he can just kiss me. What does he think he is?

On the one hand I was totally angry but on the other hand I was just confused.

Apperently a hand was waving in front of my eyes.

"Natalie? Can you hear me?"

"Oh sorry, I was thinking about something."

"About Simon, right..?", Helena asked and sat down next to me.

Ironically she always knew when I was sad and needed someone to talk to. She was an absolutely great friend. My best friend.

"Ugh Helena, didn't you notice that he always looks at me, what does he want from me?", I sounded desperate.

"I don't know, talk to him so you know how he feels.", she advised me.

"Yeah, but do you really think it helps?", I asked. I knew it was a totally stupid question, but I didn't know anything, I was too confused.

"Of course. Natalie, be honest, do you have any feelings for him?"

"I don't know. There were something but somehow it wasn't." There were total ups and downs inside me right now.

In the next hour we talked more about Simon but sometime Helena noticed that everything she said confused me, so she tried to distract me and told me some funny things about her favorite band and showed me some videos.

Slowly we needed to go down to the beach, so Helena took a shower, because she didn't have enough time this morning and afterwards we went down to the beach.

Nina was already waiting for us downstairs.

Helena quick told Nina something, I couldn't hear it but I could think about what she was talking.

Because suddenly Nina started telling me some lame jokes and I couldn't help myself but laugh.

That's why I didn't realize that the teachers were already there and looked at me and the other students.

But I couldn't stop laughing. Meanwhile I was laying on the ground because I couldn't stop laughing, until a teacher coughed "Natalie, are you okay?"

I had to laugh more so Helena anwsered for me. I already wallowed on the ground from left to right.

In this moment I didn't care what the others thought about me, I was happy for once. After a while I calmed down.

The teachers drew lots.

After about 10 minutes I heard Simon's name.

Oh no, please god, nooo, I prayed, but it didn't worked because a few seconds later I heard my name. "Well that was clear.", I whispered to Nina and Helena before I went over to Simon.

"Hi", I greeted him.

"Hi", I did my best to not look at him because it reminded me of yesterday night, and that wasn't a great memory. Well the kiss was amazing, but I was still confused.

My mood was already bad enough because of that.

"Yesterday night...I'm sorry, it..", he began, but I didn't let him finish the sentence because I was too angry.

"Maybe that it was just for fun?!?! You know what? I don't know what I liked about you in 3rd and 4th grade. That feeling is gone now anyway. What are you thinking?? You're feeling so cool and think that every girl wants to date you!", I screamed at him and went away from him.

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