My birthday Part I

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I stood in a big room with 2 doors, but as far as I tried to go, I never reached one of the doors. Suddenly both of the doors opened. In the first stood Brooklyn and in the second stood Simon. Both called me, but I couldn't move. I didn't have a voice and I couldn't move. Brooklyn and Simon came up to me to help me. Each of them took one of my hands and tried to get me on their side. It felt like I would tear apart...

Then I woke up barely breathing.

I took my phone and looked at the time. It was 6:38 a.m. I tried to fall asleep again, but I couldn't, I was too upset because of the dream.

So I decided to go on the balcony.

The sun was rising, birds were chirping, the waves rustled and the wind blew my hair onto my face.

After a few minutes I went inside to get my phone. Then I went on the balcony again and sat on one of the chairs.

Some of my friends texted me on whatsapp. Each of them texted me the same thing 'happy birthday!'

Oh fuck. I forgot my own birthday. That has never happened to me before.

Now I was finally 16. Soon I would be out of school and in one year I would do my drivers license.

Meanwhile it was 07:09 a.m. and I decided to take a shower.

I got some fresh clothes and took a shower.

After taking a shower, I got my clothes on, dried my hair, braided it, so I got some waves when I open it again, and put on some makeup.

Now it was 8:01 a.m., the time passed by so slow today.

I decided to look if Helena was awake already, because I was hungry. But when I came back into the room Helena wasn't there anymore.

Huh? But she couldn't go without telling me something, I wondered. But she was actually away I had to realize when I finished looking everywhere in our room.

So I decided to eat breakfast by my own, maybe she was already there.

But when I arrived I couldn't see Helena anywhere.

And ironically I couldn't see any of my friends too. Maybe they were still sleeping.

I didn't want to eat breakfast by my own on my birthday, so I asked Brooklyn if he wanted to go eat some breakfast with me and he confirmed.

We went into a little café and got along really well, just like yesterday.

After we ate, he wanted to go into the water with me. But I didn't want to because my dancing course began in one hour. But he didn't listen to me, he lifted me up and ran into the water with me in his arms. When we arrived at the water he threw me into it and we started a water fight.

Everything was fun with him. Brooklyn and I had much more fun, but we got out of the water after forty-five minutes.

I dried myself and made my hair into a ponytail. Brooklyn watched me all the time.

"Can I help you?", I asked smirking.

"No", he grinned.

"What did you look at all the time?"


I wanted to say something, when I heard someone shouting my name. I turned around and saw Simon running up to me.

"I searched for you everywhere. Where were you?", he asked and hugged me.


Then he saw Brooklyn

"Who is that?", Simon didn't really look at him nicely.

"That's Brooklyn", I anwsered him "and Brooklyn, that's Simon, one of my mates.", I introduced them.

Then they surveyed each other.

What's wrong with them? I asked myself. It was kinda strange how they looked at eachother, like they were enemies.

"Don't we need to go to the dancing course now?", I asked Simon.

"Oh yeah, you're right", he looked at Brooklyn one last time and went away. But when he noticed that I didn't come with him already he turned around again.

Brooklyn came up to me and hugged me longer and tighter than usual.

"Bye. We can meet up afterwards, right?", he asked.

"Yeah, sure. I will call you, bye."

Then I went to Simon and we got back to the hotel.

"Who was that guy? Are you dating?", Simon asked.

I was actually surprised about his questions. It sounded like he was jealous, but he couldn't, because yesterday we said that we're only friends. Boys were a complete mystery to me.

"That was Brooklyn Beckham", I began to explain. I just ignored the second question.

"Beckham? Is that the son of Victoria and David Beckham?"

"Yes, I met him on the beach yesterday and he helped me, when I injured my hand.", I told him. My hand was fine again. I still had a plaster on it, but that didn't really matter. My foot was fine as well.

"Uh huh. Are you dating?", he continued asking.

Slowly I was getting mad.

"Why do you want to know? Are you jealous? And what if we were dating?"

"I wasn't jealous. It was a normal question.", he said with a calm voice.

"And you want me to believe that?"

"Sorry if you thought that I was, but I'm not, I just want to know everything about you to be sure you're happy.", he apologized.

"It's okay, but it was kinda awkward."

"Come on, we're too late already.", he took my hand and we ran to the dancing-course-room.

It was totally boring. They just didn't stop talking and talked about what we're going to do the next 5 lessons.

I really tried to listen, but Simon told me some funny things. Sometimes I was about to start laughing loud but I could control myself luckily.

Finally it was over, so me and Simon got some pizza.

-hey guys, it's kinda late here but i really wanted to publish a new chapter so i'm sorry for the mistakes, i'll fix them tomorrow xx

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