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I went to my dad at his office as he works as a police officer.. i knocked on the door.

Officer John: Come in.

Jessica: Hi daddy.

John: Glad you came sweetie, So guess what!? I found ya a good job with a really good pay.

Jessica: Really dad!? What is it!?

John: Well i found many ones but i chose ya this one as the owner is my friend, you are gonna work for Mr. Michael

Jessica: Wow im gonna work as a florist!! Yaay. That's awesome

John: Yes and guess how much you are gonna get!?

Jessica: How much!?

John: 25$ per hour.

Jessica: Omg thats alot, if i worked for 6 hours for 2 weeks, I'll earn alot of money!! Yaaay!! Thanks alot daddy!!

John: No problem princess so i wanna ask ya something before ya go.

Jessica: Sure dad, whats it!?

John: I know you wanna make your own money and be free but lets talk as adults why do ya need all this money!?

Jessica: Well daddy idk what to tell ya, i was going to tell you and mommy but not now, im afraid you wont agree..

John: Try me sweetie, its your birthday and we cant say no to you today..

Jessica: Well daddy, umm actually i wanna travel..

John: Travel!!

John didn't know what to say, his little girl is now all grown up and wanna travel and Jessi noticed that

Jessi: Thats why i didnt want to tell ya now :/ i knew you wont let me do what i want :/

John: No sweetie i didn't mean that!! Well tell me where do ya want to travel!?

Jessi: Really!? Well too many countries, i wanna travel to Paris, Rome, Rio De Janeiro and Greece ^_^

John: Wow thats huge!! Well i support you sweetie in anything you will do :D

Jessi: Really!?! Thanks alot daddy!! Love ya alot!!

John: I love ya alot 2 so tell me do ya have money for all these trips!?

Jessi: Mmm well thats why i wanted the job..

John: Well hope the best for you sweetie, you can go to Mr. Michael to make sure everything is alright.

Jessi: Thanks alot daddy and okay I'll go to him on my way home.

I left my dad's office, i was too happy that my daddy didnt mind!! Yay that was too awesome plus i was thinking 25 dollars

per hour and if i worked 6 hours or even more a day for 2 weeks mmm thats goona be alot!! I gotta arrange everything

on my calculator when im home. I reached Mr. Michael's shop, i was too happy as i always loved this store as i love

Roses and flowers too much. I got in..

Me: Hello Mr. Michael, How are ya!?

Mr. Michael: Hey Jessica, Im good little girl, what about ya!?

Me: So glad for that and same here!! So my dad talked to ya right!?

Mr. Michael: Yes he did and ya can start tomorrow.

Me: Thanks alot Mr. Michael and sure I'll be there tomorrow at 8 o'clock.

Mr. Michael: Good my dear but i gotta warn ya, we have couple weddings this week so you gotta be ready as it's not that

easy you think.

Me: Okay Mr. Michael!! I'll be ready!!

Mr. Michael: And yea, you'll get 25$ per hour plus the tips you get from the customer.

Me: That looks nice, well thanks alot Mr. Michael, see you tomorrow.

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